За счет сотрудничества с передовыми СМС шлюзами, у вас есть возможность отправлять сообщения абонентам сотовой связи практически из любой страны мира.
Мы обеспечиваем полное покрытие по всем операторам в России и максимальное покрытие в странах СНГ, Европы, Азии и Америки.
Австралия | +61 |
3GIS (3GIS Pty Ltd. (Telstra & Hutchison 3G) ) | |
AAPT (Telecom New Zealand) | |
Advanced Communications Technologies Pty. Ltd. | |
Airnet (Airnet Commercial Australia Ltd.) | |
Crazy John`s (Vodafone Hutchison Australia Proprietary Limited) | |
Department of Defence | |
Hi3G (Hutchison 3G Australia Pty. Ltd.) | |
Localstar Holding Pty. Ltd. | |
One.Tel GSM 1800 Pty. Ltd. | |
One.Tel (One.Tel GSM 1800 Pty. Ltd.) | |
Optus (Optus Ltd.) | |
Optus (Optus Mobile Pty. Ltd.) | |
Ozitel (The Ozitel Network Pty. Ltd.) | |
SOUL (TPG Telecom Limited) | |
Telstra Corporation Ltd. | |
Telstra (Telstra Corporation Ltd.) | |
Vodafone (Vodafone Network Pty. Ltd.) | |
Австрия | +43 |
3 (Hutchison 3G Austria) | |
A1 (A1 Telekom Austria) | |
Barablu (Barablu Mobile Ltd) | |
Bob (A1 Telekom Austria) | |
Orange (Orange) | |
Tele.ring (tele.ring) | |
T-Mobile (T-Mobile) | |
Yesss (Yesss (Orange) ) | |
Азербайджан | +994 |
Azercell (Azercell Limited Liability Joint Venture) | |
Bakcell (Bakcell Limited Liabil ity Company) | |
FONEX (Catel) | |
Nar Mobile (Azerfon) | |
Албания | +355 |
AMS (AMC) | |
Eagle Mobile (Eagle Mobile) | |
Plus Communication (Plus Communcation) | |
Vodafone (Vodafone Albania) | |
Алжир | +213 |
Djezzy (Orascom Telecom Algerie Spa) | |
Mobilis (ATM Mobilis) | |
Nedjma (Wataniya Telecom Algerie) | |
Американское Самоа | +1684 |
Blue Sky Communications | |
Ангилья | +1264 |
Cable & Wireless | |
Mossel Ltd (Digicel) | |
Weblinks Limited | |
Ангола | +244 |
Unitel (Unitel S.a.r.l.) | |
Андорра | +376 |
Mobiland (Servei De Tele. DAndorra) | |
Антигуа и Барбуда | +1268 |
APUA (Antigua Public Utilities Authority) | |
Digicel (Antigua Wireless Ventures Limited) | |
Lime (Cable & Wireless (Antigua) ) | |
Аргентина | +54 |
Claro (AMX Argentina S.A) | |
Movistar (Telefonica Mуviles Argentina SA) | |
Nextel (Nll Holdings) | |
Personal (Telecom Personal) | |
Personal (Telecom Personal S.A.) | |
Армения | +374 |
Beeline (telecommunications) (ArmenTel) | |
Karabakh Telecom (Karabakh Telecom) | |
Orange (Orange Armenia) | |
VivaCell-MTS (K Telecom CJSC) | |
Аруба | +297 |
Digicel (Digicel) | |
SETAR (Servicio di Telecomunicacio di Aruba) | |
Афганистан | +93 |
Areeba (MNT Afganistan) | |
Etisalat (Etisalat Afghanistan) | |
Roshan (TDCA) | |
Багамы | +1242 |
BaTelCo (The Bahamas Telecommunications Company Ltd) | |
Бангладеш | +880 |
Airtel | |
Banglalink (Orascom Telecom Holding) | |
Citycell | |
GramenPhone (GrameenPhone Ltd) | |
Robi (Axiata Bangladesh Ltd.) | |
TeleTalk (TeleTalk) | |
Warid Telecom (Warid Telecom International Ltd) | |
Барбадос | +1246 |
Cingular Wireless | |
Digicel | |
DigiCel (Digicel) | |
Lime (Cable & Wireless) (Lime (Cable & Wireless) ) | |
Sunbeach Communications | |
Бахрейн | +973 |
Batelco (Bahrain Telecommunications Company) | |
Viva (STC Bahrain) | |
Zain BH (Zain Bahrain) | |
Беларусь | +375 |
DIALLOG (BelCel) | |
life 🙂 (Belarussian Telecommunications Network) | |
MTS (Mobile TeleSystems) | |
Velcom (MDC Velcom) | |
Белиз | +501 |
DigiCell (Belize Telemedia) | |
IntelCo (International Telecommunications Ltd. (INTELCO) ) | |
Smart (SpeedNet Communications Ltd) | |
Бельгия | +32 |
Base (KPN) | |
Globul | |
Mobistar (France Telecom) | |
Proximus (Belgacom Mobile) | |
Бенин | +229 |
BBCOM (Bell Benin Communications) | |
Glo (Glo Communications) | |
Libercom (Benin Telecoms Mobile) | |
Moov (Telecel Benin) | |
MTN (Spacetel Benin) | |
Бермуды | +1441 |
Cingular Wireless | |
Digicel Bermuda (Cingular GSM 1900) | |
Mobility (M3 Wireless) | |
Mossel (Digicel) | |
Болгария | +359 |
GLOBUL (Globul) | |
M-Tel (M-Tel GSM BG) | |
Undisclosed (Undisclosed) | |
Vivacom (BTC Mobile) | |
Боливия | +591 |
Entel BOlivia | |
Entel (ENTEL S.A.) | |
Nuevatel (Nuevatel S.A.) | |
Tigo (Telefonica Celular De Bolivia S.A) | |
Босния и Герцоговина | +387 |
BH Mobile (BH Telecom) | |
HT-Eronet (Public Enterprise Croatian Telecom Ltd.) | |
m:tel (RS Telecommunications JSC Banja Luka) | |
Ботсвана | +267 |
BTC Mobile (Botswana Telecommunications Corporation) | |
Mascom (Mascom Wireless (Pty) Ltd.) | |
Orange (Orange Botswana (Pty) Ltd.) | |
Бразилия | +55 |
Aeiou (Unicel Do Brasil) | |
Americel | |
Ceterp Cel | |
Claro (Claro) | |
CRT Cellular | |
CTBC Celular (CTBC Celular) | |
CTBC Celular (CTBC Telecom) | |
INC. (Nll Holdings) | |
Maxitel BA | |
Norte Brasil Tel | |
Oi / Brasil Telecom (Amazonia Celular S/A) | |
Oi (Brasil Telecom Celular S.A) | |
Oi (TNL PCS) | |
Oi (Vivo S.A) | |
Sercomtel (Sercomtel Celular) | |
Telaima Cel | |
Telasa Cel | |
Teleamapa Cel | |
Teleamazon Cel | |
Telebahia Cel | |
Telebrasilia Cel | |
Teleceara Cel | |
Telegoias Cel | |
Telemat Cel | |
Telemig Cel | |
Telepara Cel | |
Telepar Cel | |
Telepisa Cel | |
Telerj Cel | |
Telern Cel | |
Telesp Cel | |
Telma Cel | |
Telpa Cel | |
Telpe Cel | |
TIM (Telecom Italia Mobile) | |
Vivo (Vivo S.A) | |
Британские Виргинские острова | +1284 |
Boatphone Ltd. (Caribbean Cellular Telephone) | |
Cabel & Wireless (Cabel & Wireless (west Indies) ) | |
Digicel (Digicel (BVI) Limited) | |
Бруней | +673 |
B-Mobile (B-Mobile Communications Sdn Bhd) | |
DSTCom (DST Com) | |
Jabatan Telekom Brunei | |
Буркина-Фасо | +226 |
Telcel Faso (Telcel Faso SA) | |
Telmob (Onatal) | |
Zain (Celtel Burkina Faso) | |
Бурунди | +257 |
Africell (Africell PLC) | |
HiTs Telecom (HiTs Telecom) | |
Onatel (Onatel) | |
Smart Mobile (LACELL SU) | |
Spacetel (Econet Wireless Burundi PLC) | |
U-COM Burundi (U-COM Burundi S.A.) | |
Бутан | +975 |
B-Mobile (Bhutan Telecom Ltd) | |
B-Mobile of Bhutan Telecom | |
TashiCell (Tashi InfoComm Limited) | |
Вануату | |
Digicel (Digicel) | |
Smile (Telecom Vanatou) | |
Великобритания | +44 |
3 (Hutchison 3G UK Ltd) | |
Airtel-Vodafone (Jersey Airtel) | |
Airwave (Tetra) (Airwave) | |
BT (British Telecom) | |
Cable and Wireless Plc | |
Cloud9 (Wire9 Telecom Plc) | |
Dobson Telephone Co | |
Flextel Ltd | |
FMS Solutions Ltd | |
Guernsey Airtel (Guernsey Airtel) | |
Hay Systems Ltd | |
Inquam (Inquam Telecom Ltd.) | |
JT-Wave (Jersey Telecom GSM) | |
Manx Telecom | |
O2 (O2 UK Ltd) | |
O2 (Telefуnica Europe) | |
O2 (Telefуnica O2 UK Limited) | |
OnePhone Ltd | |
Opal Telecom Ltd | |
Orange (Orange UK) | |
RoutoMessaging (Routo Telecommunications Ltd) | |
Teleware (Teleware Plc) | |
Truphone (Software Cellular Network Ltd) | |
UK01 (Mapesbury Communictions Ltd) | |
Virgin (Virgin Mobile) | |
Vodafone (Vodafone Ltd) | |
Венгрия | +36 |
Telenor (Telenor Magyarorszбg Zrt.) | |
T-Mobile (Magyar Telekom Plc) | |
Vodafone (Vodafone Magyarorszбg Zrt.) | |
Венесуэла | +58 |
Digitel (Digitel) | |
Movilnet (Movilnet) | |
Movistar (Movistar) | |
Восточный тимор | +670 |
Timor Telecom | |
Вьетнам | +84 |
Beeline VN (GTEL Mobile JSC) | |
E-Mobile (EVN Telecom) | |
MobilFone (Vietnam Mobile Telecom (VMS) ) | |
S-Fone (S-Telecom) | |
Vietnamobile (Hanoi Telecom) | |
Viettel (Viettel Corporation (Viettel Mobile) ) | |
Vinaphone (Vinaphone) | |
Габон | +241 |
Azur (USAN Gabon S.A.) | |
Libertis (Libertis S.A.) | |
Moov (Telecel) Gabon S.A. | |
Zain (Celtel Gabon S.A.) | |
Гаити | +509 |
Claro (Servicios de Comunicaciones de Honduras S.A. de C.V.) | |
Digicel | |
DIGICEL (Digicel de Honduras) | |
Hondutel (Empresa Hondureсa de Telecomunicaciones) | |
Rectel | |
Tigo (Celtel / Tigo) | |
Гайана | +592 |
Digicel (U-Mobile (Cellular) Inc.) | |
GT&T Cellink Plus (Guyana Telephone & Telegraph Co.) | |
Гамбия | +220 |
Africell (Africell) | |
Comium (Comium Services Ltd) | |
Gamcel (Gamcel) | |
QCell (QCell Gambia) | |
Гана | +233 |
Kasapa Telecom Ltd. | |
MTN (MTN Group) | |
tiGO (Millicom Ghana) | |
Vodafone (Vodafone Group) | |
Zain (Zain Group) | |
Гватемала | +502 |
Comcel / Tigo (Comunicaciones Celulares S.A.) | |
Movistar (Telefуnica Centroamйrica Guatemala S.A.) | |
S.A. (Servicios de Comunicaciones Personales Inalбmbricas) | |
Гвинея | +224 |
Cellcom (Cellcom Guinйe SA) | |
MTN (Areeba Guinea) | |
Orange S.A. (Orange) | |
Sotelgui (Sotelgui Lagui) | |
Telecel Guinee (INTERCEL Guinйe) | |
Гвинея-Биссау | +245 |
Guinetel (Telecel Guinee SARL) | |
Guinйtel S.A. | |
Orange (Orange) | |
Spacetel Guinй-Bissau S.A. | |
Германия | +49 |
Airdata (Airdata AG) | |
Arcor AG & Co. | |
DB Telematik (GSM-R) | |
Debitel (Debitel AG) | |
Dolphin Telecom (Deutschland) GmbH | |
E-Plus (E-Plus Mobilfunk GmbH & Co. KG) | |
E-Plus Mobilfunk GmbH & Co. KG | |
E-Plus (RESERVED) (E-Plus Mobilfunk GmbH & Co. KG) | |
Group 3G UMTS GmbH (Quam) | |
Mobilcom Multimedia GmbH | |
O2 (O2 (Germany) GmbH & Co. OHG) | |
O2 (RESERVED) (O2 (Germany) GmbH & Co. OHG) | |
Siemens AG | |
T-Mobile Deutschland GmbH | |
T-Mobile (RESERVED) (T-Mobile Deutschland GmbH) | |
Vistream (MVNE (E-plus) ) | |
Vodafone D2 GmbH | |
Vodafone (RESERVED) (Vodafone D2 GmbH) | |
Vodafone (Vodafone D2 GmbH) | |
Гибралтар | +350 |
Cloud9 Mobile Communications | |
CTS Mobile (CTS Gibraltar) | |
GibTel (Gibtelecom GSM) | |
Гондурас | +504 |
Claro (Servicios de Comunicaciones de Honduras S.A. de C.V.) | |
DIGICEL (Digicel de Honduras) | |
Hondutel (Empresa Hondurena de Telecomunicaciones) | |
Tigo (Celtel / Tigo) | |
Гонконг | +852 |
1O1O / One2Free (CSL Limited) | |
3 (2G) (Hutchison Telecom) | |
3 (3G) (Hutchison Telecom) | |
3 (CDMA) (Hutchison Telecom) | |
3G Radio System/SMT3G | |
3G Radio System/Sunday3G | |
China-Hong Kong Telecom | |
China Motion Telecom | |
China Unicom (Hong Kong) Limited | |
CITIC Telecom 1616 | |
CMCC HK (China Mobile Hong Kong Company Limited) | |
CSL Limited | |
GSM1800/Mandarin Communications Ltd. | |
GSM7800/Hong Kong CSL Ltd. | |
Hong Kong Police Force - TETRA systems | |
Hutchison Telecom | |
New World Mobility (CSL Limited) | |
PCCW Mobile (CDMA) (PCCW Limited) | |
shared by private TETRA systems | |
SmarTone Mobile Communications Limited | |
SmarTone-Vodafone (SmarTone Mobile Communications Limited) | |
Trident Telecom | |
Гренада | +1473 |
Cable & Wireless (Cable & Wireless Grenada Ltd.) | |
Digicel (Digicel) | |
Гренландия | +299 |
Tele Greenland | |
Греция | +30 |
Cosmote (Cosmote Mobile Teelecommunications S.A.) | |
Vodafone (Vodafone - Panafon) | |
Wind (Wind Hellas Telecommunications S.A.) | |
Грузия | +995 |
A-Mobile | |
Aquafon | |
Beeline (Beeline) | |
Geocell (Geocell Ltd.) | |
Iberiatel (Iberiatel Ltd.) | |
MagtiCom (Magti GSM Ltd.) | |
SLINKNET (Sliknet) | |
Дания | +45 |
3 (H3G APS) | |
ApS KBUS | |
Barablu (Barablu Mobile Denmark Ltd) | |
MIGway AS | |
TDC (TDC Mobil APS) | |
Telenor (Telenor Denmark) | |
Telia (Telia Sonera APS) | |
Демократическая республика Конго | +243 |
CCT (Congo-Chine Telecom s.a.r.l.) | |
Libertis Telecom | |
SAIT Telecom (OASIS SPRL) | |
Supercell (Supercell Sprl) | |
Vodacom (Vodacom Congo RDC sprl) | |
Zain (Celtel) | |
Джибути | +253 |
Evatis | |
Доминика | +1767 |
Cable & Wireless Dominica Ltd. | |
Digicel (Cingular Wireless) | |
Доминиканская республика | +1809 |
C por (Compaснa Dominicana de Telйfonos) | |
S.A. (Orange Dominicana) | |
S.A. (Trilogy Dominicana) | |
Tricom (Tricom S.A.) | |
Египет | +20 |
Etisalat (Etisalat Egypt) | |
Mobinil (EEMS - Mobinil) | |
Vodafone (Vodafone Egypt) | |
Замбия | +260 |
MTN | |
Zain | |
Zamtel | |
Зимбабве | +263 |
Econet (Econet Wireless) | |
Net One (Net*One Cellular Ltd) | |
Telecel (Telecel Zimbabwe Ltd) | |
Израиль | +972 |
Cellcom (Cellcom Israel Ltd.) | |
Mirs (Mirs) | |
Orange (Partner Communications Co. Ltd.) | |
Palestine Telecomm Co Ltd (Jawwal) | |
Pelephone (Pelephone Communications Ltd.) | |
Индия | +91 |
Aircel | |
AIRCEL (Assam) | |
AIRCEL (Chennai) | |
AIRCEL (Jammu & Kashmir) | |
AIRCEL (Kolkata) | |
AIRCEL (Orissa) | |
AIRCEL (Tamil Nadu) | |
AIRCEL (West Bengal) | |
AirTel - Andhra Pradesh | |
AirTel (Bharati Mobitel Limited) | |
Airtel-Bihar | |
AirTel - Chennai (SkyCell / Bharti) Mobinet Ltd) | |
AirTel - Delhi (Bharti Celluar Ltd - Delhi) | |
AirTel (Delhi & NCR) | |
AirTel - Gujarat (Bharti Celluar Ltd - Delhi) | |
AirTel (Gujrat) | |
AirTel (Haryana) | |
AirTel - Haryana (Bharti Celluar Ltd - Delhi) | |
AirTel (Himachal Pardesh) | |
AirTel (Karnataka) | |
AirTel - Karnataka (Bharti Mobile Ltd - Karnataka) | |
AirTel - Kerala (Bharti Celluar Ltd - Delhi) | |
AirTel (Kolkata) | |
AirTel - Madhya Pradesh (Bharti Celluar Ltd - Delhi) | |
AirTel - Maharashtra (Bharti Celluar Ltd - Delhi) | |
AirTel (Maharashtra & Goa) | |
AirTel (Mumbai) | |
AirTel - Mumbai Metro (Bharti Celluar Ltd - Delhi) | |
AirTel (Punjab) | |
AirTel - Punjab (Bharti Mobile Ltd - Punjab) | |
AirTel - Tamilnadu (Bharti Celluar Ltd - Delhi) | |
AirTel (Unknown) | |
AirTel - Uttar Pradesh (Bharti Celluar Ltd - Delhi) | |
Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd. (BSNL) | |
Bharti Cellular Ltd. | |
Bharti Mobile Ltd. | |
Bharti Mobinet Ltd. | |
BPL Cellular Ltd. | |
BPL Mobile Cellular Ltd. | |
BPL Mobile - Kerala | |
BPL Mobile - Maharshtra/Goa | |
BPL Mobile - Mumbai | |
BPL Mobile - Tamil Nadu /Pondicherry Hutchison Essar Mobile Services Ltd (Delhi) | |
BSNL MOBILE (Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited) | |
CellOne A&N | |
CellOne (Assam) | |
CellOne (Chennai) | |
CellOne (Gujarat) | |
CellOne (Haryana) | |
CellOne (Himachal Pradesh) | |
CellOne (Jammu & Kashmir) | |
CellOne (Kerala) | |
CellOne (Kolkata) | |
CellOne (Madhya Pradesh & Chhattisgarh) | |
CellOne (Maharashtra & Goa) | |
CellOne (Orissa) | |
CellOne (Punjab) | |
CellOne (Rajasthan) | |
CellOne (Uttar Pradesh (East) ) | |
CellOne (Uttar Pradesh (West) ) | |
CellOne (West Bengal) | |
Dishnet Wireless (Unknown) | |
DOLPHINE (Delhi & NCR) | |
DOLPHINE (Mumbai) | |
Hexcom India | |
Hexicom India | |
IDEA (Andhra Pradesh) | |
Idea Cellular LTD (Madhya Pradesh & Chattishgarh) | |
IDEA (Delhi & NCR) | |
IDEA (Gujarat) | |
IDEA (Haryana) | |
Idea (Himachal Pardesh[citation needed]) | |
IDEA (Karnataka) | |
IDEA (Maharashtra & Goa) | |
IDEA (Mumbai) | |
IDEA (Punjab) | |
Idea (Rajisthan) | |
Idea (Uttar Pradesh (East) ) | |
IDEA (Uttar Pradesh (West) ) | |
IDEA (West Bengal) | |
Reliance (Assam) | |
Reliance (Bihar & Jharkhand) | |
Reliance GSM (Madhya Pradesh & Chhattisgarh) | |
Reliance (Orissa) | |
Reliance Smart GSM (Kolkata) | |
Reliance Telecom Private Ltd. | |
Reliance (West Bengal) | |
Vadafone IN (Kolkata) | |
Vadafone IN (Maharashtra & Goa) | |
Vadafone IN (Mumbai) | |
Vodafone IN (Andhra Pradesh) | |
Vodafone IN (Chennai) | |
Vodafone IN (Delhi & NCR) | |
Vodafone IN (Gujarat) | |
Vodafone IN (Haryana) | |
Vodafone IN (Rajasthan) | |
Vodafone IN (Uttar Pradesh (East) ) | |
Vodafone IN (Vodafone Essar South) | |
Vodafone IN (Vodafone Punjab) | |
Индонезия | +62 |
3 (PT Hutchison CP Telecommunications) | |
AXIS (PT Natrindo Telepon Seluler) | |
Ceria (PT Sampoerna Telekomunikasi Indonesia) | |
Esia (PT Bakrie Telecom) | |
Fren/Hepi (PT Mobile-8 Telecom) | |
Indosat - M3 | |
INDOSAT (PT Indonesian Satellite Corporation Tbk (INDOSAT) ) | |
PSN (PT Pasifik Satelit Nusantara (ACeS) ) | |
SMART (PT Smart Telecom) | |
StarOne (PT Indosat TBK) | |
TelkomFlexi (PT Telkom) | |
TelkomMobile (Pt Telcom Indonesia TBK) | |
Telkomsel (PT Telekomunikasi Selular) | |
XL (PT XL Axiata Tbk) | |
Иордания | +962 |
Orange (Petra Jordanian Mobile Telecommunications Company (MobileCom) ) | |
Umniah (Umniah) | |
XPress Telecom (Xpress) | |
zain JO (Jordan Mobile Telephone Services) | |
Ирак | +964 |
Asia Cell (Asia Cell Telecommunications Com.) | |
Korek (Korek) | |
Sanatel | |
Zain (Zain Iraq) | |
Иран | +98 |
Irancell | |
MCI | |
MTCE | |
Taliya | |
TKC | |
Ирландия | +353 |
3 (Hutchison 3G Ireland limited) | |
Access Telecom Ltd. | |
Clever Communications Ltd. | |
Eircom (Eircom) | |
Meteor (Meteor Mobile Communications Ltd.) | |
O2 (O2 Ireland) | |
Vodafone (Vodafone Ireland Plc) | |
Исландия | +354 |
09 Mobile | |
IceCell (IceCell ehf) | |
Nova (Nova ehf) | |
Siminn (Iceland Telecom Ltd.) | |
Viking (IMC Islande ehf) | |
Vodafone (Islandssimi GSM ehf) | |
Vodafone (Vodafone) | |
Испания | +34 |
Barablu (Barablu Movil Espana) | |
BT (BT Group Espaсa Compaсia de Servicios Globales de Telecomunicaciones S.A.U.) | |
DigiMobil (Best Spain Telecom) | |
Eroski (Eroski Mуvil Espaсa) | |
Euskaltel (Euskaltel) | |
Fonyou (Fonyou Telecom S.L.) | |
Jazztel (Jazz Telecom S.A.U.) | |
LycaMobile (LycaMobile S.L.) | |
movistar (Telefуnica Mуviles Espaсa) | |
Mуbil R (R Cable y Telecomunicaciones Galicia S.A.) | |
ONO (Cableuropa S.A.U.) | |
Orange (France Telecom Espaсa SA) | |
Simyo (E-PLUS Moviles Virtuales Espaсa S.L.U.) | |
TeleCable (Telecable de Asturias S.A.U.) | |
TME (Telefуnica Mуviles Espaсa) | |
Vodafone (Vodafone Spain) | |
Yoigo (Xfera Moviles SA) | |
Италия | +39 |
3 Italia (Hutchison 3G) | |
Blu | |
Elsacom (Elsacom) | |
IPSE 2000 | |
RFI (Rete Ferroviaria Italiana) | |
TIM (Telecom Italia SpA) | |
Vodafone (Vodafone Omnitel N.V.) | |
Wind (Wind Telecomunicazioni SpA) | |
Йемен | +967 |
HiTS-Unitel (Y) | |
SabaFon | |
Spacetel Yemen | |
Yemen Mobile (Yemen Mobile) | |
Кабо Верде | +238 |
S.A. (CVMovel) | |
T+ (T+Telecomunicaзфes) | |
Казахстан | +7 |
Beeline (Kar-Tel llc) | |
Dalacom (Dalacom (CDMA) ) | |
Kazakhtelecom | |
Kcell (GSM Kazakhstan Ltd) | |
Mobile Telecom Service (Mobile Telecom Service LLP) | |
Каймановы острова | +1345 |
Cable & Wireless (Cable & Wireless (Cayman) Limited) | |
Digicel (Digicel Cayman Ltd.) | |
Камбоджа | +855 |
Beeline (Sotelco Ltd.) | |
Excell | |
hello (Telekom Malaysia International (Cambodia) Co. Ltd) | |
Metfone (Viettel) | |
Mfone (Camshin (Shinawatra) ) | |
Mobitel (CamGSM) | |
qb | |
Smart Mobile (Latelz Co. Ltd) | |
Star-Cell (APPLIFONE CO. LTD.) | |
S Telecom (CDMA) (reserved) | |
Камерун | +237 |
MTN Cameroon (Mobile Telephone Networks Cameroon) | |
Orange (Orange Cameroun) | |
Канада | +1 |
Aurtek Wurekess | |
BC Tel Mobility | |
Bell (Bell Mobility) | |
Bell (Shared Telus) | |
DMTS (Dryden Mobility) | |
Fido (Fido Solutions (Rogers Wireless) ) | |
FIRST (FIRST Networks Operations) | |
Globalstar (Globalstar Canada) | |
ICE Wireless (ICE Wireless) | |
MB Tel Mobility | |
MiKE (Telus Mobility) | |
Mobilicity (Dave Wireless) | |
MTS (MTS Mobility) | |
MT&T Mobility (Aliant) | |
New Tel Mobility (Aliant | |
Rogers Wireless (Rorges Communications) | |
Sask Tel Mobility | |
SaskTel (SaskTel Mobility) | |
TBay (Thunder Bay Telephone Mobility) | |
Telus (Telus Mobility) | |
Telus (Telus Mobility (Unknown) ) | |
Videotron (Videotron) | |
WIND Mobile (Globalive Communications) | |
Катар | +974 |
Qtel (Qtel) | |
Vodafone (Vodaphone Quatar) | |
Кения | +254 |
Orange Kenya (Econet Wireless Kenya) | |
Safaricom (Safaricom Ltd.) | |
yu (Telkom Kenya) | |
Zain (Celtel Kenya Limited) | |
Кипр | +357 |
Areeba Ltd. | |
Cytamobile-Vodafone (CYTA) | |
MTN (Areeba Ltd) | |
Киргизия | +996 |
Bitel GSM | |
Fonex (Aktel Ltd) | |
O! (NurTelecom LLC) | |
Китай | +86 |
China Mobile | |
China Satellite Global Star Network | |
China Telecom | |
China Tietong | |
China Unicom | |
China Unicom CDMA | |
Liaoning PPTA | |
Колумбия | +57 |
Avantel | |
Colombia Telecomunicaciones S.A. | |
Comcel (Comcel S.A. Occel S.A./Celcaribe) | |
Edatel (Edatel S.A.) | |
Emcali | |
Emtelsa | |
movistar (Bellsouth Colombia S.A.) | |
movista (Telefуnica Mуviles Colombia) | |
Tigo (Colombia Mуvil S.A.) | |
Коморские острова | +269 |
Конго | +243 |
Libertis Telecom | |
Libertis Telecom (MTN CONGO S.A) | |
Zain (Celtel Congo) | |
Корея | |
Digital 017 (Shinsegi Telecom Inc.) | |
KTF Show (KTF SHOW) | |
KT (KT) | |
LGT (LGT Telcom) | |
SKT (SK Telecom) | |
SUN NET (Korea Posts and Telecommunications Corporation) | |
Коста Рика | +506 |
ICE (Gruop ICE) | |
ICE (Instituto Costarricense de Electricidad - ICE) | |
Кот-д'Ивуар | +225 |
Aircomm Cфte dIvoire | |
Cora de Comstar | |
Koz | |
Moov | |
MTN | |
Orange | |
OriCel | |
Куба | +53 |
SA (Empresa de Telecomunicaciones de Cuba) | |
Кувейт | +965 |
Mobile Telecommunications Company | |
Viva (Kuwait Telecommunication Company) | |
Wataniya Telecom | |
Лаос | +856 |
ETL (Enterprise of Telecommunications Lao) | |
LaoTel (Lao Shinawatra Telecom) | |
Ltd (Star Telecom Co.) | |
Tigo (Millicom Lao Co Ltd) | |
Латвия | +371 |
Bite (Bite Latvija) | |
Camel Mobile (Camel Mobile) | |
IZZI | |
LMT (Latvian Mobile Phone (LMT) ) | |
Master Telecom (MTS) | |
Rigatta | |
Tele2 (Tele2) | |
Triatel (Telekom Baltija (CDMA) ) | |
Лесото | +266 |
Econet Ezin-cel | |
Vodacom (Vodacom Lesotho (pty) Ltd.) | |
Либерия | +231 |
Celcom Telecommunications | |
Comium | |
Libercell | |
LIB Telco | |
Lonestar Cell | |
Ливан | +961 |
Alfa (MIC 1) | |
mtc touch (MIC 2) | |
Ogero Mobile (Ogero Telecom) | |
Ливия | +218 |
Libyana Mobile Phone | |
Madar | |
Литва | +370 |
Bite GSM | |
Omnitel | |
Tele2 | |
Лихтенштейн | +423 |
Mobilkom AG (FL1) | |
Orange AG | |
Swisscom AG | |
Tele 2 | |
Люксембург | +352 |
LuxGSM (LuxGSM) | |
Orange (Orange S.A.) | |
Tango (Tango) | |
Маврикий | +230 |
Emtel (Emtel Ltd) | |
MTML (Mahanagar Telephone (Mauritius) Ltd.) | |
Orange (Cellplus Mobile Communications Ltd.) | |
Мавритания | +222 |
Chinguitel S.A. | |
Mattel (Mattel S.A.) | |
Mauritel (Mauritel Mobiles) | |
Мадагаскар | +261 |
Orange (Orange Madagascar S.A) | |
Sacel (Sacel Madagascar S.A) | |
Telma (Telma Mobile S.A) | |
Zain (Celtel) | |
Макао | +853 |
3 (Hutchison Telecom) | |
China Telecom | |
CTM (C.T.M Telemovel+) | |
SmarTone | |
Македония | +389 |
Cosmofon | |
T-Mobile | |
VIP Operator | |
Малави | +265 |
Airtel (Bharti Airtel Limited) | |
TNM (Telekom Network Ltd.) | |
Малайзия | +60 |
Art900 | |
Celcom (CelCom) | |
Celcom (TM Touch) | |
DiGi (DIGI) | |
Maxis (Maxis) | |
Maxis (Maxis Communications Berhad) | |
MTX Utara | |
TM CDMA (Telekom Malaysia Bhd) | |
U Mobile (U Mobile Sdn Bhd) | |
Мали | +233 |
Malitel (Malitel) | |
Orange (Orange Mali SA) | |
Мальдивы | +960 |
Dhiraagu (Dhivehi Raajjeyge Gulhun) | |
Wataniya (Wataniya Telecom Maldives) | |
Мальта | +356 |
GO (Mobisle Communications Limited) | |
Melita (Melita Plc) | |
Vodafone (Vodafone Malta) | |
Мартиника | +596 |
Digicel (DIGICEL Antilles Franзaise Guyane) | |
Orange Martinique | |
Orange (Orange Caraпbe Mobiles) | |
Outremer (Outremer Telecom) | |
Telcell (Saint Martin et Saint Barthelemy Telcell Sarl) | |
Мексика | +52 |
Iusacell / Unefon (Iusacell / Unefon) | |
Movistar (Telefonica Moviles (Movistar) ) | |
Nextel (Nextel Mйxico) | |
Telcel (Amйrica Mуvil) | |
Микронезия | +691 |
FSM Telecom | |
Мозамбик | +258 |
mCel (Mocambique Celular S.A.R.L) | |
S.A.R.L. (Vodacom Mozambique) | |
Молдова | +373 |
Evntis (Eventis Mobile GSM) | |
Moldcell (Moldcell GSM) | |
Orange (Orange Moldova GSM) | |
Unitй & IDC (Moldtelecom) | |
Монако | +377 |
Office des Telephones (Monaco Telecom) | |
Монголия | +976 |
G.Mobile (G-Mobile LLC) | |
MobiCom (Mobicom) | |
Skytel (Skytel LLC) | |
Unitel (Unitel) | |
Монсерат | |
Cable & Wireless West Indies (Montserrat) | |
Морокко | +212 |
IAM (Ittissalat Al Maghrib (Maroc Telecom) ) | |
INWI (WANA - Groupe ONA) | |
Mйditel (Medi Telecom) | |
Мьянма | +95 |
MPT (Myanmar Post and Telecommunication) | |
Намибия | +264 |
Leo (Orascom Telecom Holding) | |
MTC (Mobile Telecommunications Ltd.) | |
Switch (Switch) | |
Непал | +977 |
Namaste / Nt Mobile (Nepal Telecommunications) | |
Ncell (Spice Nepal Private Ltd.) | |
Sky/C-Phone (Nepal Telecom) | |
SmartCell (Smart Telecom Pvt. Ltd) | |
Нигер | +227 |
Orange (Orange) | |
SahelCom (Sahel.Com) | |
Telecel (Telecel Niger SA) | |
Zain (Celtel) | |
Нигерия | +234 |
Etisalat (Etisalat Ltd.) | |
Glo (Globacom Ltd) | |
M-Tel (Nigerian Mobile Telecommunications Ltd.) | |
MTN (MTN Nigeria Communications) | |
Zain (Vee Network Nigeria Ltd.) | |
Нидерландские Антильские острова | +31 |
Antiliano Por N.V. (Antiliano Por N.V.) | |
Bayos (Bayos) | |
Cingular Wireless | |
Digicel | |
MIO (MIO) | |
TelCell | |
UTS | |
UTS Wireless Curacao | |
Нидерланды | +31 |
6GMobile (6GMobile) | |
Barablue Mobile Benelux Ltd (Barablu) | |
Blyk N.V. (Elephan Talk C.) | |
KPN B.V (KPN) | |
Lyca mobile (Lyca mobile) | |
Scarlet Telecom B.V (VastMobiel B.V.) | |
Tele2 (Tele2) | |
Teleena Holding B.V. (Teleena) | |
Telfort B.V | |
T-mobile | |
T-Mobile | |
Vodafone Libertel N.V (Vodafone) | |
Никарагуа | +505 |
movistar (Telefуnica Mуviles de Nicaragua S.A.) | |
S.A. (ENITEL) (Empresa Nicaragьense de Telecomunicaciones) | |
S.A. (SERCOM) (Servicios de Comunicaciones) | |
SERCOM S.A. (Nicaragua) | |
Новая зеландия | +64 |
2degrees (2degrees) | |
Econet Wireless New Zealand GSM Mobile Network | |
Telecom (Telecom New Zealand) | |
TelstraClear (TelstraClear New Zealand) | |
Vodafone (Vodafone New Zealand) | |
Woosh (Woosh Wireless New Zealand) | |
XT Mobile Network (Telecom New Zealand) | |
Новая Каледония | +687 |
Mobilis (OPT Mobilis) | |
Норвегия | +47 |
Barablu Mobile Norway Ltd | |
Lyca Mobile Ltd | |
MTU AS | |
Netcom AS | |
Network Norway AS | |
Nordisk Mobil Telefoni AS (ICE) | |
TDC Mobil AS | |
Tele2 Norway AS | |
Telenor Norway AS | |
Ventelo Norway AS | |
Объединённые Арабские Эмираты | +971 |
du (Emirates Integrated Telecommunications Company) | |
Etisalat (E mirates Telecom Corp) | |
Оман | +968 |
Nawras (Oman Qatari Telecommunications Company (Nawras) ) | |
Oman Mobile (Oman Mobile Telecommunications Company) | |
Oman Telecommunications Company (Omantel) | |
Острова кука | +682 |
Telecom Cook | |
Пакистан | +92 |
Instaphone (AMPS/CDMA) | |
Mobilink (Mobilink-PMCL) | |
Telenor (Telenor Pakistan) | |
Ufone (Pakistan Telecommunication Mobile Ltd) | |
Warid (WaridTel) | |
Zong (China Mobile) | |
Палау | +680 |
Palau Mobile (Palau Mobile Corporation) | |
PNCC (Palau National Communications Corp. (a.k.a. PNCC) ) | |
Панама | +507 |
Cable & Wireless (Cable & Wireless Panama S.A.) | |
Claro (Amйrica Mуvil) | |
Digicel (Group) | |
Movistar | |
movistar (Telefonica Moviles Panama S.A) | |
Папуа-Новая Гвинея | +675 |
B-Mobile (Pacific Mobile Communications) | |
Digicel (Digicel PNG) | |
Greencom | |
Парагвай | +595 |
Claro (AMX Paraguay S.A.) | |
Claro (Telefonica Celular Del Paraguay S.A. (Telecel) ) | |
Compaсia Privada de Comunicaciones S.A. | |
Personal (Nъcleo S.A) | |
VOX (Hola Paraguay S.A) | |
Перге | |
Claro (Amйrica Mуvil Perъ) | |
movistar (Telefуnica Mуviles Perъ) | |
Nextel | |
NEXTEL (NII Holdings) | |
Польша | +48 |
Aero2 (Aero 2 Sp. z o.o.) | |
CenterNet (CenterNet S.A.) | |
Cyfrowy Plsat (Cyfrowy Polsat S.A.) | |
Era (ERA GSM (Polska Telefonia Cyfrowa Sp. Z.o.o.) ) | |
E-Telko Sp. z o.o. | |
Mobyland (Mobyland Sp. z o.o.) | |
Netia (Netia S.A) | |
Netia S.A | |
Orange (Orange) | |
Play (Play (P4) ) | |
Plus (Plus GSM (Polkomtel S.A.) ) | |
Polska Telefonia Komуrkowa Centertel Sp. z o.o. | |
Sferia (Sferia S.A.) | |
Sferia (Sferia S.A) | |
Telekomunikacja Kolejowa (GSM-R) | |
Португалия | +351 |
S.A. (Oniway - Inforcomunicaзфes) | |
S.A. (Sonaecom – Serviзos de Comunicaзхes) | |
TMN (Telecomunicaзхes Mуveis Nacionais) | |
Vodafone (Vodafone Portugal) | |
Zapp (Zapp Portugal) | |
Пуэрто Рико | |
Cingular Wireless | |
Claro (Puerto Rico Telephone Company) | |
Россия | +7 |
Руанда | +250 |
MTN (MTN Rwandacell SARL) | |
Tigo (TIGO RWANDA S.A) | |
Румыния | +40 |
Cosmote | |
Digi mobil | |
Orange Romania | |
Romtelecom | |
Vodafone Romania SA | |
Сальвадор | +503 |
Claro (Amйrica Mуvil) | |
Digicel (Digicel Group) | |
movistar (Telefуnica Mуviles El Salvador) | |
S.A. de C.V. (CTE Telecom Personal) | |
Tigo (Telemovil EL Salvador S.A.) | |
Самоа | +685 |
Digicel (Digicel Pacific Ltd.) | |
SamoaTel (SamoaTel Ltd) | |
Саудовская Аравия | +966 |
Al Jawal (Saudi Telecom Company) | |
EAE | |
Mobily (Etihad Etisalat Company) | |
Zain SA (Zain SA) | |
Свазиленд | +268 |
Swazi MTN | |
Сейшельские Острова | +248 |
Airtel (Telecom (Seychelles) Ltd.) | |
Cable & Wireless (Cable & Wireless (Seychelles) Ltd.) | |
Mediatech International (Mediatech International Ltd.) | |
Сенегал | +221 |
Expresso (Sudatel) | |
Orange (telecommunications) (Sonatel) | |
Tigo (Millicom) | |
Сен-Пьер и Микелон | +508 |
Cable & Wireless (Cable & Wireless) | |
Cingular Wireless | |
Digicel (Digicel (St. Vincent and Grenadines) Limited) | |
Сент-Китс и Невис | +869 |
Digicel (Digicel) | |
LIME (Cable & Wireless) | |
Сент-Люсия | +758 |
Cable & Wireless | |
Cingular Wireless | |
Digicel (St Lucia) Limited | |
Сербия | +381 |
Monet | |
mt:s (Telekom Srbija a.d.) | |
Telenor (Telenor Montenegro) | |
Telenor (Telenor Serbia) | |
VIP (Vip mobile d.o.o.) | |
Сингапур | +65 |
Digital Trunked Radio Network | |
M1 (MobileOne Asia) | |
SingTel-G18 (Singapore Telecom) | |
SingTel (Singapore Telecom) | |
StarHub (StarHub Mobile) | |
Сирия | +963 |
MTN (MTN Syria) | |
Syriatel (Syriatel) | |
Словакия | +421 |
GSM (Orange) | |
Orange UMTS | |
Telefуnica O2 | |
T-Mobile | |
UMTS (Orange) | |
ЋSR | |
Словения | +386 |
Mobitel (Mobitel) | |
Si.mobil (SI Mobil) | |
T-2 (T-2 d.o.o.) | |
Tuљmobil (Tusmobil d.o.o.) | |
Соломоновы острова | +677 |
Breeze | |
BREEZE (Solomon Telekom Co Ltd) | |
Сомали | +252 |
Golis (Golis Telecom Somalia) | |
Hormuud (Hormuud Telecom Somalia Inc) | |
Hormuud Telecom | |
Nationlink (NationLink Telecom) | |
Somafone (Somafone FZLLC) | |
Telcom (Telcom Somalia) | |
Telecom Mobile | |
Telesom (Telesom) | |
Судан | +249 |
MTN (MTN Sudan) | |
Sudani One (Sudatel Group) | |
Vivacell (Wawat Securities) | |
Zain SD (Zain Group - Sudan) | |
Суринам | +597 |
Digicel | |
Intelsur | |
Telesur | |
США | +1 |
ACS Wireless Inc. | |
Airadigm (Airadigm Communications) | |
Airpeak | |
Airtel (Airtel Wireless LLC) | |
Alaska Digitel LLC | |
Alltel | |
Alltel (Alltel Communications Inc) | |
AmeriLink PCS (Choice Wireless) | |
AN Subsidiary LLC | |
Arctic Slopo Telephone Association Cooperative | |
AT&T (AT&T Mobility) | |
AT&T (Wireless Solutions International) | |
Brazos Cellular Communications Ltd. | |
Caprock (Caprock Cellular Ltd. Partnership) | |
Carolina West Wireless | |
Cellular Network Partnership dba Pioneer Cellular | |
Cellular One (MTPCS LLC) | |
Cellular One of East Texas (TX-11 Acquistion LLC) | |
Centennial (Centennial Communications) | |
Choice Phone LLC | |
Cincinnati Bell (Cincinnati Bell Wireless LLC) | |
Cingular Wireless | |
Coleman County Telecom (Coleman County Telecommunications Inc. (Trans Texas PCS) ) | |
Conestoga (Conestoga Wireless Company) | |
Connect Net Inc | |
Consolidated Telcom | |
Contennial Puerto Rio License Corp. | |
Convey (Convey Communications Inc.) | |
Copper Valley Wireless | |
Corr (Corr Wireless Communications LLC) | |
Corr Wireless Communications | |
Cricket Communications | |
Cross Valiant Cellular Partnership | |
dba Cellular One (Smith Bagley Inc) | |
Dutch Harbor (Alaska Wireless Communications LLC) | |
East Kentucky Network LLC dba Appalachian Wireless | |
Edge Wireless LLC | |
E.N.M.R. Telephone Cooperative | |
Epic Touch (Elkhart Telephone Co.) | |
Farmers Wireless | |
First Cellular (First Cellular of Southern Illinois) | |
Get Mobile | |
Globalstar (Globalstar USA) | |
GTA Wireless LLC | |
Guamcell Cellular and Paging | |
Highland | |
i CAN_GSM (Wave Runner LLC) | |
Inc. (Advantage Cellular Systems) | |
Inc. (Aeris Communications) | |
Inc. (Concho Cellular Telephone Co.) | |
Inc. (Highland Cellular) | |
Inc. (IT&E Overseas) | |
Inc. (Telecom North America Mobile) | |
Inland Cellular Telephone Company | |
iSmart Mobile (Smart Call (Truphone) ) | |
i wireless (Iowa Wireless Services LLC dba I Wireless) | |
Jasper (Jasper Wireless Inc.) | |
LLC (New Cingular Wireless PCS) | |
LP dba Five Star Wireless (TX RSA 15B2) | |
MCI | |
Mid-Rivers Wireless (Mid-Rivers Communications) | |
Mid-Tex Cellular (Mid-Tex Cellular Ltd.) | |
Mobile Tel Inc. | |
Mohave Cellular L.P. | |
Nep Cellcorp Inc. | |
New Cell Inc. dba Cellcom | |
New Cingular Wireless PCS LLC | |
North Sight Communications Inc. | |
Northstar | |
Numerex Corp. | |
Oklahoma Western (Oklahoma Western Telephone Company) | |
Omnipoint | |
PACE (Kaplan Telephone Company Inc.) | |
Panhandle (Panhandle Telecommunications Systems Inc.) | |
PinPoint (PinPoint Communications Inc.) | |
Plateau Wireless (New Mexico RSA 4 East Ltd. Partnership) | |
Plateau Wireless (Texas RSA 1 dba XIT Cellular) | |
Poka Lambro Telecommunications Ltd. | |
PTI Pacifica (PTI Pacifica Inc.) | |
SeaMobile | |
Simmetry (TMP Corporation) | |
South Canaan Cellular Communications Co. LP | |
Southern Communications dba Southern LINC | |
Southern Communications Services Inc. | |
Sprint Spectrum | |
Sprint (Sprint) | |
Testing | |
T-Mobile | |
T-Mobile USA | |
Unicel (Rural Cellular Corporation) | |
Union Telephone Company | |
USA 3650 AT&T | |
VeriSign | |
Verizon | |
Verizon (Verizon Wireless) | |
Viaero (Viaero Wireless) | |
VoiceStream 23 | |
VoiceStream 24 | |
VoiceStream 25 | |
West Central (West Central Wireless) | |
Westlink (Westlink Communications) | |
West Virginia Wireless | |
Wireless Solutions International Inc. | |
XIT Wireless (Iris Wireless LLC) | |
Сьерра-Леоне | +232 |
Africell (Lintel (Sierra Leone) Ltd.) | |
Comium (Comium (Sierra Leone) Ltd.) | |
Datatel (Africell) | |
Datatel (SL) Ltd GSM | |
Dtatel (SL) Ltd CDMA | |
Millicom (Millicom) | |
Mobitel (Mobitel) | |
Zain (Celtel) | |
Таджикистан | +992 |
Babilon-M (Babilon-Mobile) | |
Beeline (Vimpelcom) | |
MLT (TT Mobile) | |
Tcell (Indigo) | |
Tcell (Indigo Tajikistan) | |
Tcell (JV Somoncom) | |
Тайвань | +886 |
ACeS Taiwan - ACeS Taiwan Telecommunications Co Ltd | |
APTG (Asia Pacific Telecom) | |
Chunghwa LDM (LDTA/Chungwa Telecom) | |
Chungwa (Chunghwa) | |
FarEasTone (Far EasTone Telecommunications Co Ltd) | |
KG Telecom (KG Telecom) | |
MobiTai (Mobitai Communications) | |
Taiwan Mobile (Taiwan Cellular Corporation) | |
TransAsia (TransAsia Telecoms) | |
Tuntex (Tuntex Telecom) | |
VIBO (VIBO Telecom) | |
Тайланд | +66 |
AIS (Advanced Info Service) | |
AIS GSM 1800 (Digital Phone (AIS) ) | |
CAT CDMA (CAT Telecom) | |
dtac (Total Access Communications Co (DTAC) ) | |
Hutch (CAT CDMA) | |
Thai Mobile (ACT Mobile) | |
True Move (True Corporation) | |
Танзания | +255 |
Life (Life Tanzania) | |
SasaTel (Sasatel Tanzania) | |
tiGO (MIC Tanzania Limited) | |
Tri Telecommunication (T) Ltd. | |
Vodacom (Vodacom Tanzania Limited) | |
Zain (Celtel Tanzania Limited) | |
Zantel (Zanzibar Telecom Ltd) | |
Тёркс и Кайкос | +649 |
C&W (Cable & Wireless West Indies Ltd (Turks & Caicos) ) | |
Digicel (Digicel (Turks & Caicos) Limited) | |
Islandcom (IslandCom Communications Ltd.) | |
Того | +228 |
Moov (Moov Togo) | |
Telecel | |
Togo Cell (Togo Telecom) | |
Тонга | +676 |
Digicel | |
Shoreline Communication | |
Tonga Communications Corporation | |
Тринидад и Тобаго | +868 |
bMobile (BMobile) | |
Digicel (Digicel) | |
LaqTel Ltd. | |
Тунис | +216 |
Orange (Orange Tunisia) | |
Tunicell (Tunisie Telecom) | |
Tunisiana (Orascom Telecom) | |
Туркменистан | +993 |
MTS (Barash Communication Technologies (BCTI) ) | |
TM-Cell (TM-Cell) | |
Турция | +90 |
Avea (Avea) | |
Aycell (Aycell) | |
Turkcell (Turkcell Iletisim Hizmetleri A.S.) | |
Vodafone (Vodafone) | |
Уганда | +256 |
MTN (MTN Uganda Ltd.) | |
Orange (Orange Uganda) | |
Uganda Telecom (Uganda Telecom Ltd.) | |
Warid Telecom (Warid Telecom Uganda Ltd.) | |
Zain (Celtel Uganda) | |
Узбекистан | +998 |
Beeline (Unitel LLC) | |
Buztel | |
MTS (Uzdunrobita) | |
Perfectum Mobile | |
Ucell (Coscom) | |
Uzmacom | |
Украина | +380 |
CDMA Ukraine (ITC) | |
Golden Telecom (Golden Telecom) | |
Golden Telecom GSM | |
IT (Intertelecom) | |
Kyivstar | |
Kyivstar (Kyivstar GSM JSC) | |
life:) (Astelit) | |
PEOPLEnet (CJSC - Telesystems of Ukraine) | |
Ukrainian Mobile Communications | |
Ukrtelecom (Ukrtelecom) | |
UMC (Ukrainian Mobile Communication) | |
URS (Ukranian Radio Systems) | |
Wellcom | |
Уругвай | +598 |
Ancel | |
Ancel (Compania estatal (ANTEL) ) | |
Claro (AM Wireless Uruguay S.A.) | |
Movistar (Telefуnica Mуviles Uruguay) | |
Фарерские острова | +298 |
Faroese Telecom - GSM | |
Vodafone (Vodafone Faroe Islands) | |
Фиджи | +679 |
Digicel (Digicel Fiji) | |
Vodafone (Vodafone) | |
Филиппины | +63 |
Cure (PLDT via Smarts Connectivity Unlimited Resources Enterprise) | |
Globe (Globe Telecom) | |
Islacom (Globe Telecom via Innove Communications) | |
Nextel (Nextel) | |
PLDT via ACeS Philippines | |
Smart (PLDT via Smart Communications) | |
Sun (Digital Telecommunications Philippines) | |
Финляндия | +358 |
AMT (Alands Mobiltelefon AB) | |
DNA (DNA Oy) | |
Elisa (Elisa Oyj) | |
Finnet Group | |
Oy Finland Tele2 AB | |
Saunalahti | |
Saunalahti (Saunalahti Group Ltd.) | |
Sonera (TeliaSonera Finland Oyj) | |
TDC (TDC Oy) | |
Фолклендские острова | +500 |
Cable & Wireless (Touch) | |
Франция | +33 |
Bouygues Telecom | |
Bouygues Telecom (Zones Blanches) | |
Globalstar Europe | |
Orange France | |
S.F.R. | |
S.F.R. (UMTS) | |
Французская Гвиана | +594 |
Orange Caribe French Guiana (Orange Caribe French Guiana) | |
Французская Полинезия | +689 |
Digicel Antilles Francaises Guyane | |
Orange Caraibe Mobiles | |
Outremer Telecom | |
Saint Martin et Saint Barthelemy Telcell Sarl | |
Tikiphone | |
Хорватия | +385 |
Tele2 | |
T-Mobile | |
VIPnet | |
ЦАР | +236 |
CTP (Centrafrique Telecom Plus (CTP) ) | |
Nationlink (Nationlink Telecom RCA) | |
Orange (Reserved) (Orange RCA) | |
TC (Telecel Centrafrique (TC) ) | |
Чад | +235 |
Salam (Sotel Mobile) | |
TAWALI (Tchad Mobile) | |
TIGO (TIGO - Millicom) | |
Zain (CelTel Tchad SA) | |
Черногория | +382 |
m:tel CG (MTEL CG) | |
Telenor (Telenor Montenegro) | |
T-Mobile (T-Mobile Montenegro LLC) | |
Чехия | +420 |
O2 (Telefуnica O2 Czech Republic a.s.) | |
SЋDC s.o. (Sprava Zeleznicni Dopravni Cesty) | |
T-Mobile (T-Mobile Czech Republic a.s.) | |
U:fon (Mobilkom a.s.) | |
Vodafone (Vodafone Czech Republic a.s.) | |
Vodafone (Vodafone Czech Republic a.s. R&D Centre) | |
Чили | +56 |
Claro (Claro Chile S.A.) | |
entel (Entel PCS Telecomunicaciones S.A.) | |
entel (Entel Telefonia Mуvil S.A.) | |
movistar (Telefуnica Mуvil de Chile) | |
Nextel (Centennial Cayman Corp. Chile) | |
Nextel (Centennial Cayman Corp. Chile S.A.) | |
VTR Mуvil (VTW S.A.) | |
Will (WILL Telefonia) | |
Швейцария | +41 |
3G Mobile AG | |
Bebbicell AG | |
IN&Phone (IN&Phone SA) | |
Orange (Orange Communications SA) | |
Sunrise | |
Sunrise (Sunrise Communications AG) | |
Swisscom (Swisscom Ltd) | |
Tele2 (Tele2 Telecommunications AG) | |
Togewanet AG (Comfone) | |
Швеция | +46 |
3 (H3G Access AB) | |
Barablu (Barablu Mobile Sweden Ltd) | |
Beepsend (Beepsend) | |
Spring (Spring Mobil AB) | |
Sweden 3G (Telia/Tele2) (Svenska UMTS-Nдt) | |
TDC (TDC Mobil AS) | |
Tele2 (Tele2 Sweden AB) | |
Telenor (Telenor Sweden AB) | |
Telia (Telia Sonera AB) | |
Ventelo (Ventelo Sweden AB) | |
Wireless Maingate Message Services AB | |
Wireless Maingate (Wireless Maingate) | |
Шри-Ланка | +94 |
Airtel (Bharti Airtel) | |
Dialog (Dialog Telekom) | |
Etisalat (Emirates Telecommunication Corporation) | |
Hutch (Hutchison Telecommunications Lanka (Pvt) Limited) | |
Mobitel (Sri Lanka Telecom Mobitel) | |
Эквадор | +593 |
Alegro (Telecsa S.A.) | |
Moviestar (Otecel S.A. - Bellsouth) | |
Porta (Amйrica Mуvil) | |
Экваториальная Гвинея | +240 |
Hits GQ (HiTs EG.SA) | |
Orange GQ (Guinea Ecuatorial de Telecomunicaciones Sociedad Anуnima) | |
Эстония | +372 |
AS Bravocom Mobiil | |
Elisa (Elisa Eesti) | |
OY Top Connect | |
OY ViaTel | |
Siseministeerium (Ministry of Interior) | |
Tele 2 (Tele 2 Eesti) | |
Televхrgu AS | |
Эфиопия | +251 |
ETH MTN (Ethiopian Telecoms Auth. (ETH MTN) ) | |
ЮАР | +27 |
Amatole Telecommunication Services | |
Bokamoso Consortium | |
Bokone Telecoms | |
Cape Town Metropolitan Council | |
Cell C (Cell C (Pty) Ltd.) | |
Ilizwi Telecommunications | |
Karabo Telecoms (Pty) Ltd. | |
Kingdom Communications | |
MTN (Mobile Telephone Networks) | |
Neotel | |
SAPS Gauteng | |
Sentech (Sentech (Pty) Ltd.) | |
Telkom Mobile / 8.ta (Telkom) | |
Thinta Thinta Telecommunications | |
Vodacom (Vodacom (Pty) Ltd.) | |
Ямайка | +1876 |
Claro (Oceanic Digital Jamaica Limited) | |
Digicel (Digicel (Jamaica) Limited) | |
LIME (formerly known as Cable & Wireless) (Cable and Wireless Jamaica Limited) | |
LIME (formerly known as Cable & Wireless) (Cable & Wireless Jamaica Ltd.) | |
Япония | +81 |
DoCoMo | |
Inc. (NTT DoCoMo) | |
Inc. (NTT DoCoMo Kansai) | |
KDDI | |
KDDI Corporation | |
NTT DoCoMo Chugoku Inc. | |
NTT DoCoMo Hokkaido Inc. | |
NTT DoCoMo Inc. | |
NTT DoCoMo Kansai Inc. | |
NTT DoCoMo Kyushu Inc. | |
NTT DoCoMo Shikoku Inc. | |
NTT DoCoMo Tohoku Inc. | |
NTT DoCoMoTohoku Inc. | |
NTT DoCoMo Tokai Inc. | |
Okinawa Cellular Telephone | |
SoftBank | |
TU-KA | |
TU-KA Cellular Tokai Inc. | |
TU-KA Cellular Tokyo Inc. | |
TU-KA Phone Kansai Inc. | |
Vodafone | |
Vodaphone - (fomer J-Phone) |