
За счет сотрудничества с передовыми СМС шлюзами, у вас есть возможность отправлять сообщения абонентам сотовой связи практически из любой страны мира. 

Мы обеспечиваем полное покрытие по всем операторам в России и максимальное покрытие в странах СНГ, Европы, Азии и Америки. 

Австралия +61
3GIS (3GIS Pty Ltd. (Telstra & Hutchison 3G) )
AAPT (Telecom New Zealand)
Advanced Communications Technologies Pty. Ltd.
Airnet (Airnet Commercial Australia Ltd.)
Crazy John`s (Vodafone Hutchison Australia Proprietary Limited)
Department of Defence
Hi3G (Hutchison 3G Australia Pty. Ltd.)
Localstar Holding Pty. Ltd.
One.Tel GSM 1800 Pty. Ltd.
One.Tel (One.Tel GSM 1800 Pty. Ltd.)
Optus (Optus Ltd.)
Optus (Optus Mobile Pty. Ltd.)
Ozitel (The Ozitel Network Pty. Ltd.)
SOUL (TPG Telecom Limited)
Telstra Corporation Ltd.
Telstra (Telstra Corporation Ltd.)
Vodafone (Vodafone Network Pty. Ltd.)
Австрия +43
3 (Hutchison 3G Austria)
A1 (A1 Telekom Austria)
Barablu (Barablu Mobile Ltd)
Bob (A1 Telekom Austria)
Orange (Orange)
Tele.ring (tele.ring)
T-Mobile (T-Mobile)
Yesss (Yesss (Orange) )
Азербайджан +994
Azercell (Azercell Limited Liability Joint Venture)
Bakcell (Bakcell Limited Liabil ity Company)
FONEX (Catel)
Nar Mobile (Azerfon)
Албания +355
Eagle Mobile (Eagle Mobile)
Plus Communication (Plus Communcation)
Vodafone (Vodafone Albania)
Алжир +213
Djezzy (Orascom Telecom Algerie Spa)
Mobilis (ATM Mobilis)
Nedjma (Wataniya Telecom Algerie)
Американское Самоа +1684
Blue Sky Communications
Ангилья +1264
Cable & Wireless
Mossel Ltd (Digicel)
Weblinks Limited
Ангола +244
Unitel (Unitel S.a.r.l.)
Андорра +376
Mobiland (Servei De Tele. DAndorra)
Антигуа и Барбуда +1268
APUA (Antigua Public Utilities Authority)
Digicel (Antigua Wireless Ventures Limited)
Lime (Cable & Wireless (Antigua) )
Аргентина +54
Claro (AMX Argentina S.A)
Movistar (Telefonica Mуviles Argentina SA)
Nextel (Nll Holdings)
Personal (Telecom Personal)
Personal (Telecom Personal S.A.)
Армения +374
Beeline (telecommunications) (ArmenTel)
Karabakh Telecom (Karabakh Telecom)
Orange (Orange Armenia)
VivaCell-MTS (K Telecom CJSC)
Аруба +297
Digicel (Digicel)
SETAR (Servicio di Telecomunicacio di Aruba)
Афганистан +93
Areeba (MNT Afganistan)
Etisalat (Etisalat Afghanistan)
Roshan (TDCA)
Багамы +1242
BaTelCo (The Bahamas Telecommunications Company Ltd)
Бангладеш +880
Banglalink (Orascom Telecom Holding)
GramenPhone (GrameenPhone Ltd)
Robi (Axiata Bangladesh Ltd.)
TeleTalk (TeleTalk)
Warid Telecom (Warid Telecom International Ltd)
Барбадос +1246
Cingular Wireless
DigiCel (Digicel)
Lime (Cable & Wireless) (Lime (Cable & Wireless) )
Sunbeach Communications
Бахрейн +973
Batelco (Bahrain Telecommunications Company)
Viva (STC Bahrain)
Zain BH (Zain Bahrain)
Беларусь +375
life 🙂 (Belarussian Telecommunications Network)
MTS (Mobile TeleSystems)
Velcom (MDC Velcom)
Белиз +501
DigiCell (Belize Telemedia)
IntelCo (International Telecommunications Ltd. (INTELCO) )
Smart (SpeedNet Communications Ltd)
Бельгия +32
Base (KPN)
Mobistar (France Telecom)
Proximus (Belgacom Mobile)
Бенин +229
BBCOM (Bell Benin Communications)
Glo (Glo Communications)
Libercom (Benin Telecoms Mobile)
Moov (Telecel Benin)
MTN (Spacetel Benin)
Бермуды +1441
Cingular Wireless
Digicel Bermuda (Cingular GSM 1900)
Mobility (M3 Wireless)
Mossel (Digicel)
Болгария +359
GLOBUL (Globul)
M-Tel (M-Tel GSM BG)
Undisclosed (Undisclosed)
Vivacom (BTC Mobile)
Боливия +591
Entel BOlivia
Entel (ENTEL S.A.)
Nuevatel (Nuevatel S.A.)
Tigo (Telefonica Celular De Bolivia S.A)
Босния и Герцоговина +387
BH Mobile (BH Telecom)
HT-Eronet (Public Enterprise Croatian Telecom Ltd.)
m:tel (RS Telecommunications JSC Banja Luka)
Ботсвана +267
BTC Mobile (Botswana Telecommunications Corporation)
Mascom (Mascom Wireless (Pty) Ltd.)
Orange (Orange Botswana (Pty) Ltd.)
Бразилия +55
Aeiou (Unicel Do Brasil)
Ceterp Cel
Claro (Claro)
CRT Cellular
CTBC Celular (CTBC Celular)
CTBC Celular (CTBC Telecom)
INC. (Nll Holdings)
Maxitel BA
Norte Brasil Tel
Oi / Brasil Telecom (Amazonia Celular S/A)
Oi (Brasil Telecom Celular S.A)
Oi (Vivo S.A)
Sercomtel (Sercomtel Celular)
Telaima Cel
Telasa Cel
Teleamapa Cel
Teleamazon Cel
Telebahia Cel
Telebrasilia Cel
Teleceara Cel
Telegoias Cel
Telemat Cel
Telemig Cel
Telepara Cel
Telepar Cel
Telepisa Cel
Telerj Cel
Telern Cel
Telesp Cel
Telma Cel
Telpa Cel
Telpe Cel
TIM (Telecom Italia Mobile)
Vivo (Vivo S.A)
Британские Виргинские острова +1284
Boatphone Ltd. (Caribbean Cellular Telephone)
Cabel & Wireless (Cabel & Wireless (west Indies) )
Digicel (Digicel (BVI) Limited)
Бруней +673
B-Mobile (B-Mobile Communications Sdn Bhd)
DSTCom (DST Com)
Jabatan Telekom Brunei
Буркина-Фасо +226
Telcel Faso (Telcel Faso SA)
Telmob (Onatal)
Zain (Celtel Burkina Faso)
Бурунди +257
Africell (Africell PLC)
HiTs Telecom (HiTs Telecom)
Onatel (Onatel)
Smart Mobile (LACELL SU)
Spacetel (Econet Wireless Burundi PLC)
U-COM Burundi (U-COM Burundi S.A.)
Бутан +975
B-Mobile (Bhutan Telecom Ltd)
B-Mobile of Bhutan Telecom
TashiCell (Tashi InfoComm Limited)
Digicel (Digicel)
Smile (Telecom Vanatou)
Великобритания +44
3 (Hutchison 3G UK Ltd)
Airtel-Vodafone (Jersey Airtel)
Airwave (Tetra) (Airwave)
BT (British Telecom)
Cable and Wireless Plc
Cloud9 (Wire9 Telecom Plc)
Dobson Telephone Co
Flextel Ltd
FMS Solutions Ltd
Guernsey Airtel (Guernsey Airtel)
Hay Systems Ltd
Inquam (Inquam Telecom Ltd.)
JT-Wave (Jersey Telecom GSM)
Manx Telecom
O2 (O2 UK Ltd)
O2 (Telefуnica Europe)
O2 (Telefуnica O2 UK Limited)
OnePhone Ltd
Opal Telecom Ltd
Orange (Orange UK)
RoutoMessaging (Routo Telecommunications Ltd)
Teleware (Teleware Plc)
Truphone (Software Cellular Network Ltd)
UK01 (Mapesbury Communictions Ltd)
Virgin (Virgin Mobile)
Vodafone (Vodafone Ltd)
Венгрия +36
Telenor (Telenor Magyarorszбg Zrt.)
T-Mobile (Magyar Telekom Plc)
Vodafone (Vodafone Magyarorszбg Zrt.)
Венесуэла +58
Digitel (Digitel)
Movilnet (Movilnet)
Movistar (Movistar)
Восточный тимор +670
Timor Telecom
Вьетнам +84
Beeline VN (GTEL Mobile JSC)
E-Mobile (EVN Telecom)
MobilFone (Vietnam Mobile Telecom (VMS) )
S-Fone (S-Telecom)
Vietnamobile (Hanoi Telecom)
Viettel (Viettel Corporation (Viettel Mobile) )
Vinaphone (Vinaphone)
Габон +241
Azur (USAN Gabon S.A.)
Libertis (Libertis S.A.)
Moov (Telecel) Gabon S.A.
Zain (Celtel Gabon S.A.)
Гаити +509
Claro (Servicios de Comunicaciones de Honduras S.A. de C.V.)
DIGICEL (Digicel de Honduras)
Hondutel (Empresa Hondureсa de Telecomunicaciones)
Tigo (Celtel / Tigo)
Гайана +592
Digicel (U-Mobile (Cellular) Inc.)
GT&T Cellink Plus (Guyana Telephone & Telegraph Co.)
Гамбия +220
Africell (Africell)
Comium (Comium Services Ltd)
Gamcel (Gamcel)
QCell (QCell Gambia)
Гана +233
Kasapa Telecom Ltd.
MTN (MTN Group)
tiGO (Millicom Ghana)
Vodafone (Vodafone Group)
Zain (Zain Group)
Гватемала +502
Comcel / Tigo (Comunicaciones Celulares S.A.)
Movistar (Telefуnica Centroamйrica Guatemala S.A.)
S.A. (Servicios de Comunicaciones Personales Inalбmbricas)
Гвинея +224
Cellcom (Cellcom Guinйe SA)
MTN (Areeba Guinea)
Orange S.A. (Orange)
Sotelgui (Sotelgui Lagui)
Telecel Guinee (INTERCEL Guinйe)
Гвинея-Биссау +245
Guinetel (Telecel Guinee SARL)
Guinйtel S.A.
Orange (Orange)
Spacetel Guinй-Bissau S.A.
Германия +49
Airdata (Airdata AG)
Arcor AG & Co.
DB Telematik (GSM-R)
Debitel (Debitel AG)
Dolphin Telecom (Deutschland) GmbH
E-Plus (E-Plus Mobilfunk GmbH & Co. KG)
E-Plus Mobilfunk GmbH & Co. KG
E-Plus (RESERVED) (E-Plus Mobilfunk GmbH & Co. KG)
Group 3G UMTS GmbH (Quam)
Mobilcom Multimedia GmbH
O2 (O2 (Germany) GmbH & Co. OHG)
O2 (RESERVED) (O2 (Germany) GmbH & Co. OHG)
Siemens AG
T-Mobile Deutschland GmbH
T-Mobile (RESERVED) (T-Mobile Deutschland GmbH)
Vistream (MVNE (E-plus) )
Vodafone D2 GmbH
Vodafone (RESERVED) (Vodafone D2 GmbH)
Vodafone (Vodafone D2 GmbH)
Гибралтар +350
Cloud9 Mobile Communications
CTS Mobile (CTS Gibraltar)
GibTel (Gibtelecom GSM)
Гондурас +504
Claro (Servicios de Comunicaciones de Honduras S.A. de C.V.)
DIGICEL (Digicel de Honduras)
Hondutel (Empresa Hondurena de Telecomunicaciones)
Tigo (Celtel / Tigo)
Гонконг +852
1O1O / One2Free (CSL Limited)
3 (2G) (Hutchison Telecom)
3 (3G) (Hutchison Telecom)
3 (CDMA) (Hutchison Telecom)
3G Radio System/SMT3G
3G Radio System/Sunday3G
China-Hong Kong Telecom
China Motion Telecom
China Unicom (Hong Kong) Limited
CITIC Telecom 1616
CMCC HK (China Mobile Hong Kong Company Limited)
CSL Limited
GSM1800/Mandarin Communications Ltd.
GSM7800/Hong Kong CSL Ltd.
Hong Kong Police Force - TETRA systems
Hutchison Telecom
New World Mobility (CSL Limited)
PCCW Mobile (CDMA) (PCCW Limited)
shared by private TETRA systems
SmarTone Mobile Communications Limited
SmarTone-Vodafone (SmarTone Mobile Communications Limited)
Trident Telecom
Гренада +1473
Cable & Wireless (Cable & Wireless Grenada Ltd.)
Digicel (Digicel)
Гренландия +299
Tele Greenland
Греция +30
Cosmote (Cosmote Mobile Teelecommunications S.A.)
Vodafone (Vodafone - Panafon)
Wind (Wind Hellas Telecommunications S.A.)
Грузия +995
Beeline (Beeline)
Geocell (Geocell Ltd.)
Iberiatel (Iberiatel Ltd.)
MagtiCom (Magti GSM Ltd.)
SLINKNET (Sliknet)
Дания +45
3 (H3G APS)
Barablu (Barablu Mobile Denmark Ltd)
Telenor (Telenor Denmark)
Telia (Telia Sonera APS)
Демократическая республика Конго +243
CCT (Congo-Chine Telecom s.a.r.l.)
Libertis Telecom
Supercell (Supercell Sprl)
Vodacom (Vodacom Congo RDC sprl)
Zain (Celtel)
Джибути +253
Доминика +1767
Cable & Wireless Dominica Ltd.
Digicel (Cingular Wireless)
Доминиканская республика +1809
C por (Compaснa Dominicana de Telйfonos)
S.A. (Orange Dominicana)
S.A. (Trilogy Dominicana)
Tricom (Tricom S.A.)
Египет +20
Etisalat (Etisalat Egypt)
Mobinil (EEMS - Mobinil)
Vodafone (Vodafone Egypt)
Замбия +260
Зимбабве +263
Econet (Econet Wireless)
Net One (Net*One Cellular Ltd)
Telecel (Telecel Zimbabwe Ltd)
Израиль +972
Cellcom (Cellcom Israel Ltd.)
Mirs (Mirs)
Orange (Partner Communications Co. Ltd.)
Palestine Telecomm Co Ltd (Jawwal)
Pelephone (Pelephone Communications Ltd.)
Индия +91
AIRCEL (Assam)
AIRCEL (Chennai)
AIRCEL (Jammu & Kashmir)
AIRCEL (Kolkata)
AIRCEL (Orissa)
AIRCEL (Tamil Nadu)
AIRCEL (West Bengal)
AirTel - Andhra Pradesh
AirTel (Bharati Mobitel Limited)
AirTel - Chennai (SkyCell / Bharti) Mobinet Ltd)
AirTel - Delhi (Bharti Celluar Ltd - Delhi)
AirTel (Delhi & NCR)
AirTel - Gujarat (Bharti Celluar Ltd - Delhi)
AirTel (Gujrat)
AirTel (Haryana)
AirTel - Haryana (Bharti Celluar Ltd - Delhi)
AirTel (Himachal Pardesh)
AirTel (Karnataka)
AirTel - Karnataka (Bharti Mobile Ltd - Karnataka)
AirTel - Kerala (Bharti Celluar Ltd - Delhi)
AirTel (Kolkata)
AirTel - Madhya Pradesh (Bharti Celluar Ltd - Delhi)
AirTel - Maharashtra (Bharti Celluar Ltd - Delhi)
AirTel (Maharashtra & Goa)
AirTel (Mumbai)
AirTel - Mumbai Metro (Bharti Celluar Ltd - Delhi)
AirTel (Punjab)
AirTel - Punjab (Bharti Mobile Ltd - Punjab)
AirTel - Tamilnadu (Bharti Celluar Ltd - Delhi)
AirTel (Unknown)
AirTel - Uttar Pradesh (Bharti Celluar Ltd - Delhi)
Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd. (BSNL)
Bharti Cellular Ltd.
Bharti Mobile Ltd.
Bharti Mobinet Ltd.
BPL Cellular Ltd.
BPL Mobile Cellular Ltd.
BPL Mobile - Kerala
BPL Mobile - Maharshtra/Goa
BPL Mobile - Mumbai
BPL Mobile - Tamil Nadu /Pondicherry Hutchison Essar Mobile Services Ltd (Delhi)
BSNL MOBILE (Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited)
CellOne A&N
CellOne (Assam)
CellOne (Chennai)
CellOne (Gujarat)
CellOne (Haryana)
CellOne (Himachal Pradesh)
CellOne (Jammu & Kashmir)
CellOne (Kerala)
CellOne (Kolkata)
CellOne (Madhya Pradesh & Chhattisgarh)
CellOne (Maharashtra & Goa)
CellOne (Orissa)
CellOne (Punjab)
CellOne (Rajasthan)
CellOne (Uttar Pradesh (East) )
CellOne (Uttar Pradesh (West) )
CellOne (West Bengal)
Dishnet Wireless (Unknown)
Hexcom India
Hexicom India
IDEA (Andhra Pradesh)
Idea Cellular LTD (Madhya Pradesh & Chattishgarh)
IDEA (Delhi & NCR)
IDEA (Gujarat)
IDEA (Haryana)
Idea (Himachal Pardesh[citation needed])
IDEA (Karnataka)
IDEA (Maharashtra & Goa)
IDEA (Mumbai)
IDEA (Punjab)
Idea (Rajisthan)
Idea (Uttar Pradesh (East) )
IDEA (Uttar Pradesh (West) )
IDEA (West Bengal)
Reliance (Assam)
Reliance (Bihar & Jharkhand)
Reliance GSM (Madhya Pradesh & Chhattisgarh)
Reliance (Orissa)
Reliance Smart GSM (Kolkata)
Reliance Telecom Private Ltd.
Reliance (West Bengal)
Vadafone IN (Kolkata)
Vadafone IN (Maharashtra & Goa)
Vadafone IN (Mumbai)
Vodafone IN (Andhra Pradesh)
Vodafone IN (Chennai)
Vodafone IN (Delhi & NCR)
Vodafone IN (Gujarat)
Vodafone IN (Haryana)
Vodafone IN (Rajasthan)
Vodafone IN (Uttar Pradesh (East) )
Vodafone IN (Vodafone Essar South)
Vodafone IN (Vodafone Punjab)
Индонезия +62
3 (PT Hutchison CP Telecommunications)
AXIS (PT Natrindo Telepon Seluler)
Ceria (PT Sampoerna Telekomunikasi Indonesia)
Esia (PT Bakrie Telecom)
Fren/Hepi (PT Mobile-8 Telecom)
Indosat - M3
INDOSAT (PT Indonesian Satellite Corporation Tbk (INDOSAT) )
PSN (PT Pasifik Satelit Nusantara (ACeS) )
SMART (PT Smart Telecom)
StarOne (PT Indosat TBK)
TelkomFlexi (PT Telkom)
TelkomMobile (Pt Telcom Indonesia TBK)
Telkomsel (PT Telekomunikasi Selular)
XL (PT XL Axiata Tbk)
Иордания +962
Orange (Petra Jordanian Mobile Telecommunications Company (MobileCom) )
Umniah (Umniah)
XPress Telecom (Xpress)
zain JO (Jordan Mobile Telephone Services)
Ирак +964
Asia Cell (Asia Cell Telecommunications Com.)
Korek (Korek)
Zain (Zain Iraq)
Иран +98
Ирландия +353
3 (Hutchison 3G Ireland limited)
Access Telecom Ltd.
Clever Communications Ltd.
Eircom (Eircom)
Meteor (Meteor Mobile Communications Ltd.)
O2 (O2 Ireland)
Vodafone (Vodafone Ireland Plc)
Исландия +354
09 Mobile
IceCell (IceCell ehf)
Nova (Nova ehf)
Siminn (Iceland Telecom Ltd.)
Viking (IMC Islande ehf)
Vodafone (Islandssimi GSM ehf)
Vodafone (Vodafone)
Испания +34
Barablu (Barablu Movil Espana)
BT (BT Group Espaсa Compaсia de Servicios Globales de Telecomunicaciones S.A.U.)
DigiMobil (Best Spain Telecom)
Eroski (Eroski Mуvil Espaсa)
Euskaltel (Euskaltel)
Fonyou (Fonyou Telecom S.L.)
Jazztel (Jazz Telecom S.A.U.)
LycaMobile (LycaMobile S.L.)
movistar (Telefуnica Mуviles Espaсa)
Mуbil R (R Cable y Telecomunicaciones Galicia S.A.)
ONO (Cableuropa S.A.U.)
Orange (France Telecom Espaсa SA)
Simyo (E-PLUS Moviles Virtuales Espaсa S.L.U.)
TeleCable (Telecable de Asturias S.A.U.)
TME (Telefуnica Mуviles Espaсa)
Vodafone (Vodafone Spain)
Yoigo (Xfera Moviles SA)
Италия +39
3 Italia (Hutchison 3G)
Elsacom (Elsacom)
IPSE 2000
RFI (Rete Ferroviaria Italiana)
TIM (Telecom Italia SpA)
Vodafone (Vodafone Omnitel N.V.)
Wind (Wind Telecomunicazioni SpA)
Йемен +967
HiTS-Unitel (Y)
Spacetel Yemen
Yemen Mobile (Yemen Mobile)
Кабо Верде +238
S.A. (CVMovel)
T+ (T+Telecomunicaзфes)
Казахстан +7
Beeline (Kar-Tel llc)
Dalacom (Dalacom (CDMA) )
Kcell (GSM Kazakhstan Ltd)
Mobile Telecom Service (Mobile Telecom Service LLP)
Каймановы острова +1345
Cable & Wireless (Cable & Wireless (Cayman) Limited)
Digicel (Digicel Cayman Ltd.)
Камбоджа +855
Beeline (Sotelco Ltd.)
hello (Telekom Malaysia International (Cambodia) Co. Ltd)
Metfone (Viettel)
Mfone (Camshin (Shinawatra) )
Mobitel (CamGSM)
Smart Mobile (Latelz Co. Ltd)
S Telecom (CDMA) (reserved)
Камерун +237
MTN Cameroon (Mobile Telephone Networks Cameroon)
Orange (Orange Cameroun)
Канада +1
Aurtek Wurekess
BC Tel Mobility
Bell (Bell Mobility)
Bell (Shared Telus)
DMTS (Dryden Mobility)
Fido (Fido Solutions (Rogers Wireless) )
FIRST (FIRST Networks Operations)
Globalstar (Globalstar Canada)
ICE Wireless (ICE Wireless)
MB Tel Mobility
MiKE (Telus Mobility)
Mobilicity (Dave Wireless)
MTS (MTS Mobility)
MT&T Mobility (Aliant)
New Tel Mobility (Aliant
Rogers Wireless (Rorges Communications)
Sask Tel Mobility
SaskTel (SaskTel Mobility)
TBay (Thunder Bay Telephone Mobility)
Telus (Telus Mobility)
Telus (Telus Mobility (Unknown) )
Videotron (Videotron)
WIND Mobile (Globalive Communications)
Катар +974
Qtel (Qtel)
Vodafone (Vodaphone Quatar)
Кения +254
Orange Kenya (Econet Wireless Kenya)
Safaricom (Safaricom Ltd.)
yu (Telkom Kenya)
Zain (Celtel Kenya Limited)
Кипр +357
Areeba Ltd.
Cytamobile-Vodafone (CYTA)
MTN (Areeba Ltd)
Киргизия +996
Bitel GSM
Fonex (Aktel Ltd)
O! (NurTelecom LLC)
Китай +86
China Mobile
China Satellite Global Star Network
China Telecom
China Tietong
China Unicom
China Unicom CDMA
Liaoning PPTA
Колумбия +57
Colombia Telecomunicaciones S.A.
Comcel (Comcel S.A. Occel S.A./Celcaribe)
Edatel (Edatel S.A.)
movistar (Bellsouth Colombia S.A.)
movista (Telefуnica Mуviles Colombia)
Tigo (Colombia Mуvil S.A.)
Коморские острова +269
Конго +243
Libertis Telecom
Libertis Telecom (MTN CONGO S.A)
Zain (Celtel Congo)
Digital 017 (Shinsegi Telecom Inc.)
LGT (LGT Telcom)
SKT (SK Telecom)
SUN NET (Korea Posts and Telecommunications Corporation)
Коста Рика +506
ICE (Gruop ICE)
ICE (Instituto Costarricense de Electricidad - ICE)
Кот-д'Ивуар +225
Aircomm Cфte dIvoire
Cora de Comstar
Куба +53
SA (Empresa de Telecomunicaciones de Cuba)
Кувейт +965
Mobile Telecommunications Company
Viva (Kuwait Telecommunication Company)
Wataniya Telecom
Лаос +856
ETL (Enterprise of Telecommunications Lao)
LaoTel (Lao Shinawatra Telecom)
Ltd (Star Telecom Co.)
Tigo (Millicom Lao Co Ltd)
Латвия +371
Bite (Bite Latvija)
Camel Mobile (Camel Mobile)
LMT (Latvian Mobile Phone (LMT) )
Master Telecom (MTS)
Tele2 (Tele2)
Triatel (Telekom Baltija (CDMA) )
Лесото +266
Econet Ezin-cel
Vodacom (Vodacom Lesotho (pty) Ltd.)
Либерия +231
Celcom Telecommunications
LIB Telco
Lonestar Cell
Ливан +961
Alfa (MIC 1)
mtc touch (MIC 2)
Ogero Mobile (Ogero Telecom)
Ливия +218
Libyana Mobile Phone
Литва +370
Bite GSM
Лихтенштейн +423
Mobilkom AG (FL1)
Orange AG
Swisscom AG
Tele 2
Люксембург +352
Orange (Orange S.A.)
Tango (Tango)
Маврикий +230
Emtel (Emtel Ltd)
MTML (Mahanagar Telephone (Mauritius) Ltd.)
Orange (Cellplus Mobile Communications Ltd.)
Мавритания +222
Chinguitel S.A.
Mattel (Mattel S.A.)
Mauritel (Mauritel Mobiles)
Мадагаскар +261
Orange (Orange Madagascar S.A)
Sacel (Sacel Madagascar S.A)
Telma (Telma Mobile S.A)
Zain (Celtel)
Макао +853
3 (Hutchison Telecom)
China Telecom
CTM (C.T.M Telemovel+)
Македония +389
VIP Operator
Малави +265
Airtel (Bharti Airtel Limited)
TNM (Telekom Network Ltd.)
Малайзия +60
Celcom (CelCom)
Celcom (TM Touch)
Maxis (Maxis)
Maxis (Maxis Communications Berhad)
MTX Utara
TM CDMA (Telekom Malaysia Bhd)
U Mobile (U Mobile Sdn Bhd)
Мали +233
Malitel (Malitel)
Orange (Orange Mali SA)
Мальдивы +960
Dhiraagu (Dhivehi Raajjeyge Gulhun)
Wataniya (Wataniya Telecom Maldives)
Мальта +356
GO (Mobisle Communications Limited)
Melita (Melita Plc)
Vodafone (Vodafone Malta)
Мартиника +596
Digicel (DIGICEL Antilles Franзaise Guyane)
Orange Martinique
Orange (Orange Caraпbe Mobiles)
Outremer (Outremer Telecom)
Telcell (Saint Martin et Saint Barthelemy Telcell Sarl)
Мексика +52
Iusacell / Unefon (Iusacell / Unefon)
Movistar (Telefonica Moviles (Movistar) )
Nextel (Nextel Mйxico)
Telcel (Amйrica Mуvil)
Микронезия +691
FSM Telecom
Мозамбик +258
mCel (Mocambique Celular S.A.R.L)
S.A.R.L. (Vodacom Mozambique)
Молдова +373
Evntis (Eventis Mobile GSM)
Moldcell (Moldcell GSM)
Orange (Orange Moldova GSM)
Unitй & IDC (Moldtelecom)
Монако +377
Office des Telephones (Monaco Telecom)
Монголия +976
G.Mobile (G-Mobile LLC)
MobiCom (Mobicom)
Skytel (Skytel LLC)
Unitel (Unitel)
Cable & Wireless West Indies (Montserrat)
Морокко +212
IAM (Ittissalat Al Maghrib (Maroc Telecom) )
INWI (WANA - Groupe ONA)
Mйditel (Medi Telecom)
Мьянма +95
MPT (Myanmar Post and Telecommunication)
Намибия +264
Leo (Orascom Telecom Holding)
MTC (Mobile Telecommunications Ltd.)
Switch (Switch)
Непал +977
Namaste / Nt Mobile (Nepal Telecommunications)
Ncell (Spice Nepal Private Ltd.)
Sky/C-Phone (Nepal Telecom)
SmartCell (Smart Telecom Pvt. Ltd)
Нигер +227
Orange (Orange)
SahelCom (Sahel.Com)
Telecel (Telecel Niger SA)
Zain (Celtel)
Нигерия +234
Etisalat (Etisalat Ltd.)
Glo (Globacom Ltd)
M-Tel (Nigerian Mobile Telecommunications Ltd.)
MTN (MTN Nigeria Communications)
Zain (Vee Network Nigeria Ltd.)
Нидерландские Антильские острова +31
Antiliano Por N.V. (Antiliano Por N.V.)
Bayos (Bayos)
Cingular Wireless
UTS Wireless Curacao
Нидерланды +31
6GMobile (6GMobile)
Barablue Mobile Benelux Ltd (Barablu)
Blyk N.V. (Elephan Talk C.)
Lyca mobile (Lyca mobile)
Scarlet Telecom B.V (VastMobiel B.V.)
Tele2 (Tele2)
Teleena Holding B.V. (Teleena)
Telfort B.V
Vodafone Libertel N.V (Vodafone)
Никарагуа +505
movistar (Telefуnica Mуviles de Nicaragua S.A.)
S.A. (ENITEL) (Empresa Nicaragьense de Telecomunicaciones)
S.A. (SERCOM) (Servicios de Comunicaciones)
SERCOM S.A. (Nicaragua)
Новая зеландия +64
2degrees (2degrees)
Econet Wireless New Zealand GSM Mobile Network
Telecom (Telecom New Zealand)
TelstraClear (TelstraClear New Zealand)
Vodafone (Vodafone New Zealand)
Woosh (Woosh Wireless New Zealand)
XT Mobile Network (Telecom New Zealand)
Новая Каледония +687
Mobilis (OPT Mobilis)
Норвегия +47
Barablu Mobile Norway Ltd
Lyca Mobile Ltd
Netcom AS
Network Norway AS
Nordisk Mobil Telefoni AS (ICE)
TDC Mobil AS
Tele2 Norway AS
Telenor Norway AS
Ventelo Norway AS
Объединённые Арабские Эмираты +971
du (Emirates Integrated Telecommunications Company)
Etisalat (E mirates Telecom Corp)
Оман +968
Nawras (Oman Qatari Telecommunications Company (Nawras) )
Oman Mobile (Oman Mobile Telecommunications Company)
Oman Telecommunications Company (Omantel)
Острова кука +682
Telecom Cook
Пакистан +92
Instaphone (AMPS/CDMA)
Mobilink (Mobilink-PMCL)
Telenor (Telenor Pakistan)
Ufone (Pakistan Telecommunication Mobile Ltd)
Warid (WaridTel)
Zong (China Mobile)
Палау +680
Palau Mobile (Palau Mobile Corporation)
PNCC (Palau National Communications Corp. (a.k.a. PNCC) )
Панама +507
Cable & Wireless (Cable & Wireless Panama S.A.)
Claro (Amйrica Mуvil)
Digicel (Group)
movistar (Telefonica Moviles Panama S.A)
Папуа-Новая Гвинея +675
B-Mobile (Pacific Mobile Communications)
Digicel (Digicel PNG)
Парагвай +595
Claro (AMX Paraguay S.A.)
Claro (Telefonica Celular Del Paraguay S.A. (Telecel) )
Compaсia Privada de Comunicaciones S.A.
Personal (Nъcleo S.A)
VOX (Hola Paraguay S.A)
Claro (Amйrica Mуvil Perъ)
movistar (Telefуnica Mуviles Perъ)
NEXTEL (NII Holdings)
Польша +48
Aero2 (Aero 2 Sp. z o.o.)
CenterNet (CenterNet S.A.)
Cyfrowy Plsat (Cyfrowy Polsat S.A.)
Era (ERA GSM (Polska Telefonia Cyfrowa Sp. Z.o.o.) )
E-Telko Sp. z o.o.
Mobyland (Mobyland Sp. z o.o.)
Netia (Netia S.A)
Netia S.A
Orange (Orange)
Play (Play (P4) )
Plus (Plus GSM (Polkomtel S.A.) )
Polska Telefonia Komуrkowa Centertel Sp. z o.o.
Sferia (Sferia S.A.)
Sferia (Sferia S.A)
Telekomunikacja Kolejowa (GSM-R)
Португалия +351
S.A. (Oniway - Inforcomunicaзфes)
S.A. (Sonaecom – Serviзos de Comunicaзхes)
TMN (Telecomunicaзхes Mуveis Nacionais)
Vodafone (Vodafone Portugal)
Zapp (Zapp Portugal)
Пуэрто Рико
Cingular Wireless
Claro (Puerto Rico Telephone Company)
Россия +7
Руанда +250
MTN (MTN Rwandacell SARL)
Румыния +40
Digi mobil
Orange Romania
Vodafone Romania SA
Сальвадор +503
Claro (Amйrica Mуvil)
Digicel (Digicel Group)
movistar (Telefуnica Mуviles El Salvador)
S.A. de C.V. (CTE Telecom Personal)
Tigo (Telemovil EL Salvador S.A.)
Самоа +685
Digicel (Digicel Pacific Ltd.)
SamoaTel (SamoaTel Ltd)
Саудовская Аравия +966
Al Jawal (Saudi Telecom Company)
Mobily (Etihad Etisalat Company)
Zain SA (Zain SA)
Свазиленд +268
Swazi MTN
Сейшельские Острова +248
Airtel (Telecom (Seychelles) Ltd.)
Cable & Wireless (Cable & Wireless (Seychelles) Ltd.)
Mediatech International (Mediatech International Ltd.)
Сенегал +221
Expresso (Sudatel)
Orange (telecommunications) (Sonatel)
Tigo (Millicom)
Сен-Пьер и Микелон +508
Cable & Wireless (Cable & Wireless)
Cingular Wireless
Digicel (Digicel (St. Vincent and Grenadines) Limited)
Сент-Китс и Невис +869
Digicel (Digicel)
LIME (Cable & Wireless)
Сент-Люсия +758
Cable & Wireless
Cingular Wireless
Digicel (St Lucia) Limited
Сербия +381
mt:s (Telekom Srbija a.d.)
Telenor (Telenor Montenegro)
Telenor (Telenor Serbia)
VIP (Vip mobile d.o.o.)
Сингапур +65
Digital Trunked Radio Network
M1 (MobileOne Asia)
SingTel-G18 (Singapore Telecom)
SingTel (Singapore Telecom)
StarHub (StarHub Mobile)
Сирия +963
MTN (MTN Syria)
Syriatel (Syriatel)
Словакия +421
GSM (Orange)
Orange UMTS
Telefуnica O2
UMTS (Orange)
Словения +386
Mobitel (Mobitel)
Si.mobil (SI Mobil)
T-2 (T-2 d.o.o.)
Tuљmobil (Tusmobil d.o.o.)
Соломоновы острова +677
BREEZE (Solomon Telekom Co Ltd)
Сомали +252
Golis (Golis Telecom Somalia)
Hormuud (Hormuud Telecom Somalia Inc)
Hormuud Telecom
Nationlink (NationLink Telecom)
Somafone (Somafone FZLLC)
Telcom (Telcom Somalia)
Telecom Mobile
Telesom (Telesom)
Судан +249
MTN (MTN Sudan)
Sudani One (Sudatel Group)
Vivacell (Wawat Securities)
Zain SD (Zain Group - Sudan)
Суринам +597
США +1
ACS Wireless Inc.
Airadigm (Airadigm Communications)
Airtel (Airtel Wireless LLC)
Alaska Digitel LLC
Alltel (Alltel Communications Inc)
AmeriLink PCS (Choice Wireless)
AN Subsidiary LLC
Arctic Slopo Telephone Association Cooperative
AT&T (AT&T Mobility)
AT&T (Wireless Solutions International)
Brazos Cellular Communications Ltd.
Caprock (Caprock Cellular Ltd. Partnership)
Carolina West Wireless
Cellular Network Partnership dba Pioneer Cellular
Cellular One (MTPCS LLC)
Cellular One of East Texas (TX-11 Acquistion LLC)
Centennial (Centennial Communications)
Choice Phone LLC
Cincinnati Bell (Cincinnati Bell Wireless LLC)
Cingular Wireless
Coleman County Telecom (Coleman County Telecommunications Inc. (Trans Texas PCS) )
Conestoga (Conestoga Wireless Company)
Connect Net Inc
Consolidated Telcom
Contennial Puerto Rio License Corp.
Convey (Convey Communications Inc.)
Copper Valley Wireless
Corr (Corr Wireless Communications LLC)
Corr Wireless Communications
Cricket Communications
Cross Valiant Cellular Partnership
dba Cellular One (Smith Bagley Inc)
Dutch Harbor (Alaska Wireless Communications LLC)
East Kentucky Network LLC dba Appalachian Wireless
Edge Wireless LLC
E.N.M.R. Telephone Cooperative
Epic Touch (Elkhart Telephone Co.)
Farmers Wireless
First Cellular (First Cellular of Southern Illinois)
Get Mobile
Globalstar (Globalstar USA)
GTA Wireless LLC
Guamcell Cellular and Paging
i CAN_GSM (Wave Runner LLC)
Inc. (Advantage Cellular Systems)
Inc. (Aeris Communications)
Inc. (Concho Cellular Telephone Co.)
Inc. (Highland Cellular)
Inc. (IT&E Overseas)
Inc. (Telecom North America Mobile)
Inland Cellular Telephone Company
iSmart Mobile (Smart Call (Truphone) )
i wireless (Iowa Wireless Services LLC dba I Wireless)
Jasper (Jasper Wireless Inc.)
LLC (New Cingular Wireless PCS)
LP dba Five Star Wireless (TX RSA 15B2)
Mid-Rivers Wireless (Mid-Rivers Communications)
Mid-Tex Cellular (Mid-Tex Cellular Ltd.)
Mobile Tel Inc.
Mohave Cellular L.P.
Nep Cellcorp Inc.
New Cell Inc. dba Cellcom
New Cingular Wireless PCS LLC
North Sight Communications Inc.
Numerex Corp.
Oklahoma Western (Oklahoma Western Telephone Company)
PACE (Kaplan Telephone Company Inc.)
Panhandle (Panhandle Telecommunications Systems Inc.)
PinPoint (PinPoint Communications Inc.)
Plateau Wireless (New Mexico RSA 4 East Ltd. Partnership)
Plateau Wireless (Texas RSA 1 dba XIT Cellular)
Poka Lambro Telecommunications Ltd.
PTI Pacifica (PTI Pacifica Inc.)
Simmetry (TMP Corporation)
South Canaan Cellular Communications Co. LP
Southern Communications dba Southern LINC
Southern Communications Services Inc.
Sprint Spectrum
Sprint (Sprint)
T-Mobile USA
Unicel (Rural Cellular Corporation)
Union Telephone Company
USA 3650 AT&T
Verizon (Verizon Wireless)
Viaero (Viaero Wireless)
VoiceStream 23
VoiceStream 24
VoiceStream 25
West Central (West Central Wireless)
Westlink (Westlink Communications)
West Virginia Wireless
Wireless Solutions International Inc.
XIT Wireless (Iris Wireless LLC)
Сьерра-Леоне +232
Africell (Lintel (Sierra Leone) Ltd.)
Comium (Comium (Sierra Leone) Ltd.)
Datatel (Africell)
Datatel (SL) Ltd GSM
Dtatel (SL) Ltd CDMA
Millicom (Millicom)
Mobitel (Mobitel)
Zain (Celtel)
Таджикистан +992
Babilon-M (Babilon-Mobile)
Beeline (Vimpelcom)
MLT (TT Mobile)
Tcell (Indigo)
Tcell (Indigo Tajikistan)
Tcell (JV Somoncom)
Тайвань +886
ACeS Taiwan - ACeS Taiwan Telecommunications Co Ltd
APTG (Asia Pacific Telecom)
Chunghwa LDM (LDTA/Chungwa Telecom)
Chungwa (Chunghwa)
FarEasTone (Far EasTone Telecommunications Co Ltd)
KG Telecom (KG Telecom)
MobiTai (Mobitai Communications)
Taiwan Mobile (Taiwan Cellular Corporation)
TransAsia (TransAsia Telecoms)
Tuntex (Tuntex Telecom)
VIBO (VIBO Telecom)
Тайланд +66
AIS (Advanced Info Service)
AIS GSM 1800 (Digital Phone (AIS) )
CAT CDMA (CAT Telecom)
dtac (Total Access Communications Co (DTAC) )
Hutch (CAT CDMA)
Thai Mobile (ACT Mobile)
True Move (True Corporation)
Танзания +255
Life (Life Tanzania)
SasaTel (Sasatel Tanzania)
tiGO (MIC Tanzania Limited)
Tri Telecommunication (T) Ltd.
Vodacom (Vodacom Tanzania Limited)
Zain (Celtel Tanzania Limited)
Zantel (Zanzibar Telecom Ltd)
Тёркс и Кайкос +649
C&W (Cable & Wireless West Indies Ltd (Turks & Caicos) )
Digicel (Digicel (Turks & Caicos) Limited)
Islandcom (IslandCom Communications Ltd.)
Того +228
Moov (Moov Togo)
Togo Cell (Togo Telecom)
Тонга +676
Shoreline Communication
Tonga Communications Corporation
Тринидад и Тобаго +868
bMobile (BMobile)
Digicel (Digicel)
LaqTel Ltd.
Тунис +216
Orange (Orange Tunisia)
Tunicell (Tunisie Telecom)
Tunisiana (Orascom Telecom)
Туркменистан +993
MTS (Barash Communication Technologies (BCTI) )
TM-Cell (TM-Cell)
Турция +90
Avea (Avea)
Aycell (Aycell)
Turkcell (Turkcell Iletisim Hizmetleri A.S.)
Vodafone (Vodafone)
Уганда +256
MTN (MTN Uganda Ltd.)
Orange (Orange Uganda)
Uganda Telecom (Uganda Telecom Ltd.)
Warid Telecom (Warid Telecom Uganda Ltd.)
Zain (Celtel Uganda)
Узбекистан +998
Beeline (Unitel LLC)
MTS (Uzdunrobita)
Perfectum Mobile
Ucell (Coscom)
Украина +380
CDMA Ukraine (ITC)
Golden Telecom (Golden Telecom)
Golden Telecom GSM
IT (Intertelecom)
Kyivstar (Kyivstar GSM JSC)
life:) (Astelit)
PEOPLEnet (CJSC - Telesystems of Ukraine)
Ukrainian Mobile Communications
Ukrtelecom (Ukrtelecom)
UMC (Ukrainian Mobile Communication)
URS (Ukranian Radio Systems)
Уругвай +598
Ancel (Compania estatal (ANTEL) )
Claro (AM Wireless Uruguay S.A.)
Movistar (Telefуnica Mуviles Uruguay)
Фарерские острова +298
Faroese Telecom - GSM
Vodafone (Vodafone Faroe Islands)
Фиджи +679
Digicel (Digicel Fiji)
Vodafone (Vodafone)
Филиппины +63
Cure (PLDT via Smarts Connectivity Unlimited Resources Enterprise)
Globe (Globe Telecom)
Islacom (Globe Telecom via Innove Communications)
Nextel (Nextel)
PLDT via ACeS Philippines
Smart (PLDT via Smart Communications)
Sun (Digital Telecommunications Philippines)
Финляндия +358
AMT (Alands Mobiltelefon AB)
Elisa (Elisa Oyj)
Finnet Group
Oy Finland Tele2 AB
Saunalahti (Saunalahti Group Ltd.)
Sonera (TeliaSonera Finland Oyj)
Фолклендские острова +500
Cable & Wireless (Touch)
Франция +33
Bouygues Telecom
Bouygues Telecom (Zones Blanches)
Globalstar Europe
Orange France
Французская Гвиана +594
Orange Caribe French Guiana (Orange Caribe French Guiana)
Французская Полинезия +689
Digicel Antilles Francaises Guyane
Orange Caraibe Mobiles
Outremer Telecom
Saint Martin et Saint Barthelemy Telcell Sarl
Хорватия +385
ЦАР +236
CTP (Centrafrique Telecom Plus (CTP) )
Nationlink (Nationlink Telecom RCA)
Orange (Reserved) (Orange RCA)
TC (Telecel Centrafrique (TC) )
Чад +235
Salam (Sotel Mobile)
TAWALI (Tchad Mobile)
TIGO (TIGO - Millicom)
Zain (CelTel Tchad SA)
Черногория +382
m:tel CG (MTEL CG)
Telenor (Telenor Montenegro)
T-Mobile (T-Mobile Montenegro LLC)
Чехия +420
O2 (Telefуnica O2 Czech Republic a.s.)
SЋDC s.o. (Sprava Zeleznicni Dopravni Cesty)
T-Mobile (T-Mobile Czech Republic a.s.)
U:fon (Mobilkom a.s.)
Vodafone (Vodafone Czech Republic a.s.)
Vodafone (Vodafone Czech Republic a.s. R&D Centre)
Чили +56
Claro (Claro Chile S.A.)
entel (Entel PCS Telecomunicaciones S.A.)
entel (Entel Telefonia Mуvil S.A.)
movistar (Telefуnica Mуvil de Chile)
Nextel (Centennial Cayman Corp. Chile)
Nextel (Centennial Cayman Corp. Chile S.A.)
VTR Mуvil (VTW S.A.)
Will (WILL Telefonia)
Швейцария +41
3G Mobile AG
Bebbicell AG
IN&Phone (IN&Phone SA)
Orange (Orange Communications SA)
Sunrise (Sunrise Communications AG)
Swisscom (Swisscom Ltd)
Tele2 (Tele2 Telecommunications AG)
Togewanet AG (Comfone)
Швеция +46
3 (H3G Access AB)
Barablu (Barablu Mobile Sweden Ltd)
Beepsend (Beepsend)
Spring (Spring Mobil AB)
Sweden 3G (Telia/Tele2) (Svenska UMTS-Nдt)
TDC (TDC Mobil AS)
Tele2 (Tele2 Sweden AB)
Telenor (Telenor Sweden AB)
Telia (Telia Sonera AB)
Ventelo (Ventelo Sweden AB)
Wireless Maingate Message Services AB
Wireless Maingate (Wireless Maingate)
Шри-Ланка +94
Airtel (Bharti Airtel)
Dialog (Dialog Telekom)
Etisalat (Emirates Telecommunication Corporation)
Hutch (Hutchison Telecommunications Lanka (Pvt) Limited)
Mobitel (Sri Lanka Telecom Mobitel)
Эквадор +593
Alegro (Telecsa S.A.)
Moviestar (Otecel S.A. - Bellsouth)
Porta (Amйrica Mуvil)
Экваториальная Гвинея +240
Hits GQ (HiTs EG.SA)
Orange GQ (Guinea Ecuatorial de Telecomunicaciones Sociedad Anуnima)
Эстония +372
AS Bravocom Mobiil
Elisa (Elisa Eesti)
OY Top Connect
OY ViaTel
Siseministeerium (Ministry of Interior)
Tele 2 (Tele 2 Eesti)
Televхrgu AS
Эфиопия +251
ETH MTN (Ethiopian Telecoms Auth. (ETH MTN) )
ЮАР +27
Amatole Telecommunication Services
Bokamoso Consortium
Bokone Telecoms
Cape Town Metropolitan Council
Cell C (Cell C (Pty) Ltd.)
Ilizwi Telecommunications
Karabo Telecoms (Pty) Ltd.
Kingdom Communications
MTN (Mobile Telephone Networks)
SAPS Gauteng
Sentech (Sentech (Pty) Ltd.)
Telkom Mobile / 8.ta (Telkom)
Thinta Thinta Telecommunications
Vodacom (Vodacom (Pty) Ltd.)
Ямайка +1876
Claro (Oceanic Digital Jamaica Limited)
Digicel (Digicel (Jamaica) Limited)
LIME (formerly known as Cable & Wireless) (Cable and Wireless Jamaica Limited)
LIME (formerly known as Cable & Wireless) (Cable & Wireless Jamaica Ltd.)
Япония +81
Inc. (NTT DoCoMo)
Inc. (NTT DoCoMo Kansai)
KDDI Corporation
NTT DoCoMo Chugoku Inc.
NTT DoCoMo Hokkaido Inc.
NTT DoCoMo Inc.
NTT DoCoMo Kansai Inc.
NTT DoCoMo Kyushu Inc.
NTT DoCoMo Shikoku Inc.
NTT DoCoMo Tohoku Inc.
NTT DoCoMoTohoku Inc.
NTT DoCoMo Tokai Inc.
Okinawa Cellular Telephone
TU-KA Cellular Tokai Inc.
TU-KA Cellular Tokyo Inc.
TU-KA Phone Kansai Inc.
Vodaphone - (fomer J-Phone)
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